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World University Rankings (2012)

 樓主| 發表於 2012-12-23 19:53:56 | 顯示全部樓層
58. The University of Warwick
The establishment of the University of Warwick was given approval by the government in 1961 and received its Royal Charter of Incorporation in 1965. It is situated on a large 700 acre campus which straddles the boundary between the City of Coventry and the County of Warwickshire. The idea for a university in Coventry was mooted shortly after the conclusion of the Second World War but it was a bold and imaginative partnership of the City and the County which brought the University into being on a 400 acre site jointly granted by the two authorities.

In the forty years since the University of Warwick was founded, it has attained the position of one of Britain's leading universities. The University is consistently ranked in the top group for the high quality of its teaching and research.

Warwick was the first research-led University to give priority to widening participation and to lifelong learning and cultivates close and productive links with its local and regional community. It has a strong tradition of working in collaboration with business and industry and plays an active role in economic regeneration. Warwick ranked 7th among the UK's 100 universities for quality of research (Funding Councils' Research Assessment Exercise, 2008); 65% of Warwick's research is 'world-leading' or 'internationally excellent' (Quality level of either 3* or 4*).

In relation to teaching quality, the Quality Assurance Agency (QAA) carried out an institutional audit in November 2008. The final report stated that the QAA had confidence in the academic standards of the awards offered at the University and the quality of learning opportunities available to students. The report also identified a number of areas of good practice, including the academic and support infrastructure and policies which support the enhancement of undergraduate, postgraduate taught and postgraduate research student skills development.

The campus of the University covers 290 hectares and lies in the valley of Canley Brook draining red, heavy clay soils. It is an area of considerable historical interest with evidence of occupation since Neolithic times. Henry II gave part of this royal estate to Cistercian monks in 1155, and near Tocil Wood pottery was manufactured using local clay and charcoal. Following dissolution in 1535, the land was enclosed and assumed many of the features evident to this day. The campus covers four medieval farmsteads: Gibbet Hill, Tocil, Cryfield and Cryfield Grange Farms.

Over the last 40 years, in addition to building, there has been extensive tree planting and the creation of 8 lakes or ponds. A third of the area is farmed and, to reduce damage to wildlife, the University has entered into a Countryside Stewardship Scheme, which allows for replacing and improving hedgerows and creating buffer strips along existing hedges and watercourses.

The value of a Warwick Degree and what makes Warwick a unique place at which to study is the combination of excellence in both research and teaching. They are not activities confined to a select few, and as a student at Warwick, you will directly benefit from the lively academic community. For many years, Warwick has been recognised as one of the UK's leading research universities. This pre-eminent position was once again confirmed by the results of the 2008 Research Assessment Exercise, carried out by the Higher Education Funding Councils. Warwick overall was placed seventh nationally out of 100 UK universities for research quality. 19 Warwick departments are in the top 10 in the UK in their unit of assessment. Our research activity informs and inspires all our teaching.

The Times Good University Guide 2010 consequently placed Warwick sixth in its national table of teaching assessment results. A further ten good reasons to join us at the University of Warwick:

1. An active postgraduate community - around 40% of our student population are postgraduates, studying for a range of different qualifications
2. International renown - recognised worldwide with over 4,500 overseas students
3. Career prospects - offering one of the highest employment rates of all the top UK universities
4. Innovative programmes - with a significant vocational and professional content, satisfying the needs of industry, commerce and governments worldwide
5. Environment and situation - a landscaped self-contained campus on the edge of a city - the best of both worlds!
6. High quality accommodation - a range of choices, including on and off-campus
7. Cultural and sporting life - the largest Arts Centre outside of London plus excellent sporting facilities for all levels
8. Student's Union - one of the biggest SU's in the UK with its own Postgraduate Committee
9. Quick and easy applications - apply online at www.warwick.ac.uk/postgrad.
10. Help with funding - go to www.warwick.ac.uk/study/funding for more information.

United Kingdom
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 樓主| 發表於 2012-12-23 19:55:04 | 顯示全部樓層
University of Washington
Founded 4 November 1861, the University of Washington is one of the oldest state-supported institutions of higher education on the Pacific coast. The University is comprised of three campuses: the Seattle campus is made up of seventeen schools and colleges whose faculty offer educational opportunities to students ranging from first-year undergraduates through doctoral-level candidates; the Bothell and Tacoma campuses, each developing a distinctive identity and undergoing rapid growth, offer diverse programs to upper-division undergraduates and to graduate students.

To promote their capacity to make humane and informed decisions, the University fosters an environment in which its students can develop mature and independent judgment and an appreciation of the range and diversity of human achievement. The University cultivates in its students both critical thinking and the effective articulation of that thinking.

United States
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 樓主| 發表於 2012-12-23 19:55:35 | 顯示全部樓層
60. Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
Ludwig-Maxmilians-Universität (LMU) München is one of Europe's leading research universities with over 500 years of tradition. It has been selected as a "university of excellence" within the Excellence Initiative, a competition launched by the German government to promote top-level university research. As a genuine "universitas" LMU Munich offers a broad spectrum of all areas of knowledge, ranging from the humanities and cultural sciences, law, economics and social studies, to medicine and the sciences.

As one of the classic German research universities, LMU Munich can look back on a long history. Its name, "Ludovico-Maximilianea," goes back to Duke Ludwig the Rich of Bavaria-Landshut, who founded the university in Ingolstadt in 1472, and to Prince Elector Max IV Joseph of Bavaria (later King Maximilian I), who thoroughly reformed it and moved it to Landshut in 1802. But it was the son of Maximilan I, King Ludwig I of Bavaria, who finally brought the university to the royal capital Munich.

Some 700 professors and 3,400 academic staff members conduct research and teach in the university's 18 faculties, offering a wide and well-differentiated array of courses in about 150 subjects and numerous possible subject combinations. Over 45,000 students, including 6,800 international students (about 15%), are currently taking advantage of these opportunities. They regard their studies at LMU Munich as an investment in their futures and a launching pad for their professional careers.

LMU Munich's historic main building in the heart of the city is worldfamous. It is primarily home to the social sciences and humanities. The main university library is situated in the south wing of the main building. It houses nearly half of LMU Munich's total stock of 6.6 million volumes available in the university's central and more than 150 departmental libraries. The main library is in close proximity to the Bavarian State Library and several important museums and archives, providing an ideal infrastructure for research and study. The majority of the natural and life sciences are concentrated at the HighTechCampus-LMU in Großhadern- Martinsried, a one-of-a-kind research campus in Europe. It enables innovative and interconnected research on the highest level, often in direct collaboration with the adjacent Max Planck Institutes for Biochemistry and Neurobiology, and with the Helmholtz Center Munich ? National Research Center for Environment and Health. In addition, the Innovation Center for Biotechnology (IZB) and BioM Biotech Cluster Development provide the necessary platforms for an efficient technology transfer of research results into practical application.

Thanks to its outstanding achievements in research, teaching and patient care, the University of Munich Hospital enjoys an excellent reputation both nationally and internationally. 9,000 staff members in the areas of medicine, patient care, administration, technology and maintenance are currently taking care of patients in 44 clinics, institutes and departments in all medical fields. The 32 mostly interdisciplinary centers offer individual medical care at the highest level. Close collaboration of experts from different medical areas enables efficient diagnosis and therapy. With 2,300 beds, the University of Munich Hospital provides the maximum level of care and the highest standard of treatment and nursing, and is, next to the Charité in Berlin, the largest institution of this kind in Germany.

Geschwister-Scholl Platz 1
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 樓主| 發表於 2012-12-23 19:56:18 | 顯示全部樓層
61. Monash University

Established in 1958, Monash University is the youngest member of the Group of Eight. In just over fifty years we have grown to become the largest university in Australia, renowned for our outstanding education, transformative research, global reach and extensive alumni network.

With more than 250,000 graduates across the world, campuses in Malaysia and South Africa, an education and research centre in Italy and a joint-research academy in India, Monash is a global university with the ambition and ability to address momentous global challenges.

Graduating with a degree from a university in the world's top 1 per cent adds significant value to your resume.

Monash is:

Ranked in the top 1 per cent of world universities (Times Higher Education World  University Rankings 2011-2012)

Ranked 60th in the world (2011 QS World University Rankings)

Rated No.1 in Australia and No. 2 in Asia from which to hire graduates (The New York Times, 20 October 2011)

The Times Higher Education World University Rankings has rated us:

The 5th best university in Oceania, a jump of three places on last year (2011-2012)

One of only 7 Australian universities in the world’s top 200 (2011-2012)

Top 40 universities in the world for Clinical, Pre-Clinical and Health (2010-2011)

Top 50 universities in the world for Life Sciences (2010-2011)

2011 QS World University Rankings, Monash is among:

Top 20 universities in the world for Law

Top 30 universities in the world for Accounting and Finance; History; Philosophy; Politics and International Studies, as well as Sociology

Top 40 universities in the world for English Language and Literature; for Life Sciences and Biomedicine; Social Sciences and Medicine; Medicine; Psychology; Economics and Econometrics; Geography and Area Studies; Linguistics; Civil Engineering; Electrical Engineering; Metallurgy, and Earth Sciences.

Top 50 universities in the world for Arts and Humanities; Modern Languages; Chemistry; Chemical Engineering; Mechanical, Aeronautical and Manufacturing, as well as Mathematics

Top 60 universities in the world for Engineering and Technology.

The Shanghai Jiao Tong Academic Ranking of World Universities 2011 rated us:

Top 50 universities for Chemistry.

Top 60 universities in the world for Engineering and Technology.

The world’s top CEOs are more likely to hire Monash graduates – The New York Times, 20 October 2011

More than 200 CEOs from the world’s most successful companies rated Monash in the top 50 or world universities from which to hire graduates

Graduate Success

We celebrate the success of our graduates:

89 per cent of Monash graduates gain employment within six months of graduation (Times Higher Education 2009).

Our alumni network includes around 250,000 graduates, with many working in leadership position around the world.

Success it's not all about numbers. Read how our students make the most of their Monash experience at the Australia’s largest University and discover all the opportunities it offers: http://monash.edu/experience/

Areas of study and leading capabilities

Areas of study

Communications and media
Design, creative art, architecture
Environment and sustainability
Humanities and cultures
Information technology
Law and policy
Medicine, health, pharmacy
Monash conducts research across numerous fields of study – over 150 in total. Our focus though is on the following four specialisations:

Health and wellbeing
Future technologies
Sustainable environments
Resilient cultures and communities

Find out more about our leading capabilities: http://monash.edu.au/research/capabilities/leading/

Pathways into Monash University

Monash College is an internationally renowned leader in transition education, and has been preparing students for university and their future careers for more than 20 years.

Monash College specialise in creating pathway programs for students who aspire to study at Monash University or another leading Australian university. In 2011, 89% per cent of Monash College graduates received an offer to Monash University.

The English Language Centre helps candidates determine their English language capability for study, employment and visa purposes.
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 樓主| 發表於 2012-12-23 19:56:50 | 顯示全部樓層
62. University of Amsterdam
Over 30,000 students attend the University of Amsterdam. From its original focus on Trade and Philosophy the original Athenaeum Illustre has expanded into a comprehensive university featuring almost all academic disciplines.

The University of Amsterdam is one of the major comprehensive universities in Europe with a budget of 560 million EUR. It has a strong internationalisation programme featuring active student exchange programmes, Bachelors programmes and over 100 Masters study programmes taught in English.
The UvA currently has students, staff and researchers from over 80 countries and offers a truly multi-national environment.

The university comprises seven faculties covering humanities, social and behavioural sciences, law, economics and business, medicine, dentistry and science.

The UvA offers a comprehensive range of academic programmes with multiple options to pursue studies within or across disciplines all the way from Bachelor through to PhD level and further. UvA staff publish over 7,500 scholarly articles each year. The university's fundamental academic research is world-class in many respects. The applied research programmes are frequently of an interdisciplinary nature and often focus on social issues.

The UvA offers an inspiring, broadly oriented international academic environment where staff and students can develop their capacities to the fullest. The UvA is characterised by a critical, creative and international atmosphere, open-minded and strongly engaged with society. Because the university is located in both historic and modern buildings spread throughout the heart of the city, it forms an integral part of the intellectual and cultural life of Amsterdam.

Visiting address:
Spui 21
1012 WX
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 樓主| 發表於 2012-12-23 19:57:16 | 顯示全部樓層
63. KAIST - Korea Advanced Institute of Science & Technology
Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) is the first and top science & technology research university in Korea. Founded in 1971 to raise elites in science & technology, critical for Korea’s economic takeoff, KAIST has been the gateway to advanced science & technology, innovation, and a driving engine for the development of Korea for past 4 decades. KAIST has always been touted as Korea’s top-notch research university of science wunderkinds and world famous faculty members. KAIST strives to address global challenges facing humanity through competitive research innovation and convergence.

In order to meet the new demands of producing young talents who care for global citizenship and social responsibility, KAIST now offers cross-disciplinary academic and research. KAIST fosters the innovation and creativity of global “thought leaders” who no longer abide by the boundaries between disciplines and departments, but instead work under the greater umbrella of interdisciplinary academic convergence.

291 Daehak-ro
Korea, South
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 樓主| 發表於 2012-12-23 19:57:42 | 顯示全部樓層
64. Boston University
Boston University -- independent, coeducational, and non-sectarian -- is an internationally recognized institution of higher education and research located along the banks of the Charles River and adjacent to the historic Back Bay district of Boston.

With more than 30,000 students from all 50 states and 135 countries, it is one of the largest independent universities in the United States. For over 150 years, Boston University has anticipated the changing needs of its students while serving the greater needs of society.

As one of the nation's premier research universities, Boston University believes that all students benefit by learning from dedicated teachers who are actively engaged in original research. The University's learning environment is further enriched by an extraordinary array of direct involvements with the broader artistic, economic, social, intellectual, and educational life of the community. These relationships provide a distinctly practical edge to the University's educational and research programs, while enhancing the life and vitality of one of the world's great cities.

Boston University's policies provide for equal opportunity and affirmative action in employment and admission to all programs of the University.

One Silber Way
United States
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 樓主| 發表於 2012-12-23 19:58:05 | 顯示全部樓層
65. Tokyo Institute of Technology
At the turn of the new millennium, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo Tech, celebrated its 120th anniversary. Founded in 1881 as Tokyo Vocation al School and later elevated to a university in 1929, Tokyo Tech has been very successful as a university specializing in science and technology, producin g a great number of leading engineers and professi onals in the fields of science and technology. In 1967, the Faculty of Science and Engineering (the on ly faculty up to that time) was separated into two faculties: the Faculty of Science and the Faculty of Engineering. The new era had started, and Tokyo Tech has developed even more remarkably since then. Research in new fields and interdisciplinary areas of science and technology has been actively conducted. The Interdisciplinary Graduate School of Science and Engineering, the Faculty of Bioscience and Biotechnology, the Graduate School of Information Science and Engineering, and the Graduate School of Decision Science and Technology were founded in succession. With its cohesive organization and superior quality of research and education, Tokyo Tech has been recognized as one of the leading universities in science and technology in the world.

2-12-1 Ookayama
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 樓主| 發表於 2012-12-23 19:58:52 | 顯示全部樓層
66. The University of Sheffield
Founded in 1905. It started as the Sheffield School of Medicine which opened in 1828. The University has now grown to more than 24,000 students with over 4,000 international students from 131 countries. You can study a wide range of subjects, including business and information management, law, architecture, engineering, science, medicine and dentistry.
The University of Sheffield is at the forefront of world research. As a result, the latest developments in each discipline inform our teaching. The University is in the UK’s top 10 for research power, according to the 2008 Research Assessment Exercise. Forty-one of the University's 49 submissions had 50 per cent or more of their work assessed at the top grades of 4* and 3*.

We're in the UK's top 10 universities according to the Shanghai Jiao Tong University's ranking of the top 500 universities worldwide.

We recently won our fourth Queen's Anniversary Prize for our Advanced Manufacturing Research Centre with Boeing. This is a prime example of our strong relationships with global organisations. Our reputation for world-class research attracts multinational companies like Boeing, Rolls-Royce, Messier-Dowty and BAe Systems.

Key facts

In the UK’s top 10 for research power, according to the 2008 Research Assessment Exercise.

Three subjects came first for the quality of their research in the UK and 11 other subjects were ranked in the top five.

Five Nobel Prize-winners in Medicine and Chemistry.

Won our fourth Queen's Anniversary Prize for our Advanced Manufacturing Research Centre with Boeing.

Five EPSRC Centres for Doctoral Training, confirming our reputation in the fields of energy research, metallurgy, nuclear energy and advanced engineering for the water sector.
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 樓主| 發表於 2012-12-23 19:59:14 | 顯示全部樓層
67. Trinity College Dublin
Trinity College Dublin (TCD) is recognised internationally as Ireland’s premier university and as one of the world's leading research-intensive universities. Founded in 1592 on the general pattern of the ancient colleges at Oxford and Cambridge, it is the oldest university in Ireland and one of the older universities of Western Europe.

The pursuit of excellence through research and scholarship is at the heart of a Trinity education. It provides a unique educational experience encompassing all major academic disciplines in the arts, humanities, engineering, science, human, social and health sciences. Students benefit from a scholar teacher model where they have the opportunity of being taught by world-leading experts in their field.

In 2011, Trinity was ranked in the top 1% of research institutions in the world in 17 fields including Molecular Biology and Genetics, Immunology, Microbiology, Chemistry, Life Sciences, Social Sciences, Computer Science, Clinical Medicine and Engineering. It has an outstanding record of publications in high-impact journals and a track record in winning research funding which is among the best in the country. Its research strategy is committed to world-class research activities in five key areas of major interdisciplinary strength:

European & International Integration

Culture & Creative Arts

Materials & Intelligent Systems

Biosciences & Translational Research

Transport, Energy & Environment

Trinity College Dublin’s campus is situated in the centre of Ireland’s capital city. Its 47 acre campus of cobbled squares, historic buildings and green playing fields stand alongside state-of-the-art modern facilities such as the Science Gallery, the Douglas Hyde Gallery, the Nanoscience research centre (CRANN), the Long Room Hub Institute for Arts and Humanities, the new Biomedical Sciences Institute, and The Lir-the National Academy for Dramatic Art. Its Library is the largest research library in Ireland. It has had 200 years of legal deposit for publications in Ireland and the UK and contains 5 million volumes, a considerable breadth of electronic resources, and an extensive collection of manuscripts, the most famous being the Book of Kells.

Today Trinity has a vibrant international community of almost 17,000 students, 92,000 alumni and 2,860 members of staff. The student population represents 122 nationalities: not only is it diverse in nationality, it also represents a wide range of social backgrounds and cultures. The university also prides itself on attracting academic staff from all over the world.

College Green
Dublin 2
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 樓主| 發表於 2012-12-23 19:59:37 | 顯示全部樓層
University of Texas at Austin
The University of Texas at Austin. Founded in 1883, UT is one of the largest and most respected universities in the nation. The Times of London ranked UT second among U.S. public universities and 15th overall in its ranking of the world's top 200 universities.
Ours is a diverse learning community, with students from more than 100 countries and a student body that reflects the face of our society. African American, Hispanic, and Asian American students make up more than 32 percent of the enrollment, and 9 percent are international students.
Explore this Web site to discover more about opportunities at UT.
In addition, the campus is home to many cultural treasures. The Harry Ransom Humanities Research Center is one of the world's finest cultural archives. The Jack S. Blanton Museum of Art houses one of the nation's preeminent university art collections. The Center for American History is a research facility with rich collections in Texas and Southwest history, among other specialties. The Texas Memorial Museum is a premier natural science center. The LBJ Library and Museum contains papers and artifacts from the administration of President Lyndon B. Johnson.
I hope you will have an opportunity to visit our beautiful campus in person to discover what makes UT special and why Austin is consistently ranked among the most livable cities in America.

1 University Station
United States
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 樓主| 發表於 2012-12-23 19:59:59 | 顯示全部樓層
69. London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE)
The London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) is a world class centre for its concentration of teaching and research across the full range of the social, political and economic sciences. Founded in 1895 by Beatrice and Sidney Webb, LSE has an outstanding reputation for academic excellence.

LSE is an unusual university. Few university institutions in the world are as international. The study of social, economic and political problems covers not only the UK and European Union, but also countries of every continent. From its foundation LSE has aimed to be a laboratory of the social sciences, a place where ideas are developed, analysed, evaluated and disseminated around the globe.

LSE has a cosmopolitan staff and student body, located within an urban, city centre campus. There are nearly 7,500 full-time students and around 800 part-time students at LSE. Of these about 36 per cent come from the UK, 15 per cent from other European Union countries and 49 per cent from more than 120 countries around the world. 48 per cent are women and 52 per cent are postgraduates.

The School has more than 70,000 registered alumni. Around 30 past or present heads of state have studied at LSE, and 30 members of the House of Commons and 34 members of the House of Lords have either studied or taught at LSE.

The School maintains close links with government, industry and the professions (many of which are situated close by in the city of London), through public meetings and seminar programmes concerned with the dissemination of research findings in the context of public policy. Many staff are also actively engaged in policy development through membership of advisory bodies such as the Urban Task Force, Monetary Policy Committee, Low Pay Commission and the Press Complaints Commission.

Houghton Street
United Kingdom
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 樓主| 發表於 2012-12-23 20:00:23 | 顯示全部樓層
70. University of California, San Diego (UCSD)
Innovation is our tradition: Nestled along the Pacific Ocean on 1,200 acres of coastal woodland, UCSD is a powerful magnet for those seeking a fresh, next-generation approach to education and research. Since its founding over four decades ago, UCSD -- one of the ten campuses in the world-renowned University of California system -- has rapidly achieved the status as one of the top institutions in the nation for higher education and research. UCSD?s interdisciplinary ethos and tradition of innovation and risk-taking, underlie its research strength and ability to recruit top scholars and students.

Budget: UCSD?s annual revenues are $1.9 billion. (33% of this total is from the federal government for research; 14% is from the State of California for education.)

Students: UCSD received over 40,000 applications for fall 2005 admission (the second highest application rate in the University of California system and possibly in the nation). The average high school GPA of enrolled freshmen for fall 2005 was 3.93 and average SATI score was 1251. Total campus enrollment for fall ?05 was approximately 26,140. UCSD ranks 2nd nationally among major research universities sending students abroad in full-year programs, and 3rd among University of California schools in graduation rates at 83%.

Economic Impact: UCSD is an engine for regional economic growth. UCSD faculty and alums have spun-off close to 200 local companies, including over a third of the region?s biotech companies. In addition, UCSD is San Diego County?s largest single employer, with a monthly payroll in excess of $76 million, and over 23,500 employees.

Specialized Resources: UCSD?s graduate and professional schools include Scripps Institution of Oceanography; School of Medicine; School of International Relations and Pacific Studies; Center for U.S. - Mexican Studies; Skaggs School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences; Jacobs School of Engineering (graduate and undergraduate), and Rady School of Management. The campus is also home to the San Diego Supercomputer Center; California Institute for Telecommunications and Information Technology (Calit2); Center for Research in Computing and the Arts; Institute on Global Conflict and Cooperation; and Institute of the Americas.
Main address:
University of California,
San Diego, 9500 Gilman Dr., La Jolla,

9500 Gilman Drive
La Jolla
United States
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 樓主| 發表於 2012-12-23 20:00:54 | 顯示全部樓層
71. Lund University
Welcome to Lund University

Lund University unites long-standing traditions with a modern, dynamic and highly international profile. With eight faculties, and a number of research centres and specialised institutes, Lund University is the largest provider of research and higher education in Sweden. The University was founded in 1666 and is one of the oldest universities in northern Europe. At present, about 35 000 undergraduate and nearly 10 000 graduate/postgraduate students are enrolled at Lund University.

Lund University has evolved into the most international university in Sweden, co-operating worldwide with a great number of universities, university networks and research institutes. Annually some 3 000 international students choose to study in Lund. The University also takes a very active part in the educational and research programmes of the European Union.

Six prestigious and research oriented Erasmus Mundus programmes involving Lund University have been approved by the European Commission. Lund University is also involved in the EU-funded programme Erasmus Mundus Action 2. This programme promotes cooperation, development and mobility between higher education institutions in Europe and a great variety of non-European countries and regions around the world. The non-EU countries covered by the programme are grouped together into regional or national lots. Lund University coordinates two lots: JOSYLEEN (Jordan, Syria and Lebanon) and Asia regional (China, India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Nepal), and is a partner in three additional lots: South Africa; Iran, Iraq and Yemen; and the Gulf countries. In addition, Lund University is ranked as one of the top ten universities in Europe with the best mobility figures in terms of incoming and outgoing students and teachers.

Master´s programmes at Lund University
Lund University offers a wide range of Master´s programmes. Around 80 programmes are taught in English, ranging from international human rights law to sustainable urban design. Excellence is required in all areas of activity, to rank as one of Europe´s leading institutions of higher education. To realise this ambition, Lund University works systematically with educational development and the professional improvement of all teaching staff. The Master´s programmes at Lund University employ a multi- or transdisciplinary approach in an environment of exceptional academic competence and cultural diversity. All education is closely tied to current research and many of the courses are truly unique. International programmes provide excellent opportunities to form a global network of professional colleagues, as well as establishing contacts locally here in Sweden. Since programmes and details can change, please check the website of each programme for the most up-to-date information. For entry requirements and application deadlines, please visit www.lunduniversity.lu.se/masters or the website for the specific programme.

Teaching and Research of Highest Quality
The Master´s Programmes at Lund University are structured in response to student demand, combined with a strong cooperation with the business world, as well as being closely tied to current research. The Swedish educational system is student-centred, based on open, informal relations between students and teachers, and where personal initiative and critical thought are encouraged. Swedish universities are renowned for their investigative research and independent thinking, and this reputation is cemented with rigorous quality control and internationally recognised degrees.

Lund´s geographical location
Lund is located in southern Sweden, right next door to Copenhagen, Denmark and Northern Europe. The Danish-Swedish Oresund Region is one of Europe´s most dynamic areas. In Lund, "abroad" is close by: the trip by train or car to the largest Scandinavian city, Copenhagen, takes only 40 minutes over the Oresund Bridge, while Malmo, the third largest city in Sweden, is only a 15-minute train ride away.

Lund, a City of Student Nations
Lund is recognised both for its historic past and for recent development and success. Students form the majority of Lund´s 100,000 inhabitants, giving the city a youthful multicultural atmosphere. The large student population also contributes to an active cultural life, with a wide range of activities and entertainment. The heart of student life in Lund is organised around the student societies called "nations", essentially large clubs offering entertainment and opportunities to socialise.

Paradisgatan 2
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 樓主| 發表於 2012-12-23 20:01:42 | 顯示全部樓層
72. The University of Nottingham
"Nottingham is the nearest Britain has to a truly global university, with campuses in China and Malaysia modelled on a headquarter that is among the most attractive in Britain."

The Times Good University Guide 2009

Academic Strengths  

Ranked as the 10th best university in the UK by the Shanghai Jiao Tong world rankings index
Placed in the top one per cent of all universities worldwide by the Times Higher Education-QS World University Rankings 2009
Both these tables rate the University as one of the Top 100 universities in the world.
The RAE 2008 confirms Nottingham as the 7th most powerful research university in the UK
90 per cent of all research at Nottingham was described as being of 'international standard', with 60 per cent classed as 'world-leading' or 'internationally excellent'
In 27 subject areas, the University features in the UK top ten, with 14 subject areas in the top five
39 subjects have been awarded the highest ratings for teaching quality of between 22 and 24 (the maximum) in national independent assessments conducted by the Quality Assurance Agency
Two Nobel Prizes (one in Medicine and one in Economic Science) have been awarded to Nottingham researchers.

Studying at The University of Nottingham

Nottingham is a dynamic and popular institution located in the heart of the UK.

The University of Nottingham offers over 400 degree programmes at both undergraduate and postgraduate level, including taught (BA/BSc etc, MA/MSc) and research (MPhil, PhD) degrees, across the following Faculties:



Medicine and Health Sciences


Social Sciences (including the Business School)

More information on the courses on offer at The University of Nottigham can be found in the online Postgraduate and Undergraduate prospectuses.

Why Nottingham?

Nottingham aims to provide a unique and global experience for all; students travel to the university from more than 150 different countries, and the University encourages a global perspective among all students and staff.

Students are encouraged to spend part of their degree abroad, at one of the University's campuses in Malaysia and China, or as part of several Erasmus and Study Abroad schemes or within the U21 global network.

The Careers Centre not only offers advice on finding work in the UK, but also in your home country. The global Nottingham alumni network has branches all over the world, and can help you build your social and professional network when you graduate.

The International Office is dedicated to providing help and support for international students – through the initial application process and beyond.

Interactive Nottingham

Nottingham's University Park campus is one of the UK's most attractive campuses, set in 330 acres of tranquil woodland and is only ten minutes by bus from the city centre. You can take a virtual tour online.

A series of regular podcasts from students, staff and alumni can help you find out events at the University, and these videos for international students provide an insight in to life at Nottingham.

The Test Tube channel takes students behind the scenes in the world of science research at Nottingham.

You can also follow the International Office on Twitter for the latest news, events and updates for international students.
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 樓主| 發表於 2012-12-23 20:02:08 | 顯示全部樓層
73. University of Southampton
The University of Southampton is nestled within one of the greenest cities in England, with the New Forest, Isle of Wight and beaches of the south coast all close at hand. The main campus is bordered by the beautiful Southampton Common ? over 300 acres of managed woodland ? creating the perfect combination of a thriving natural environment and a bustling, cosmopolitan city. One of the UK?s top 10 retail destinations, a busy port and sailing centre, and one of the safest places to live in the UK, Southampton is a city that looks to the future with expectation and ambition. The University is similarly forward-looking. \r\n\r\nA member of the Russell Group and one of the UK?s leading research universities, Southampton is consistently ranked in the top 10 UK universities. In line with this standing, the University has a truly international community, attracting the best academic staff from around the world, along with more than 2,000 international students, from more than 100 countries.\r\n\r\nThe University is home to world-leading research centres in electronics & computer science, sound & vibration, optoelectronics, textile conservation, developmental origins of health and disease, and numerous other fields ? many of which were pioneered at Southampton. As the only UK university in which every engineering department has the top 5* research quality rating, Southampton is the UK?s leading university for engineering. The University is also home to the nationally important Winchester School of Art, the National Oceanography Centre, and the eighteenth-century Chawton House, Jane Austen?s literary home and now a library for the study of early women writers.\r\n\r\nThe University offers a broad range of courses at both undergraduate and postgraduate level, spanning medicine, life sciences, law, humanities, social sciences, engineering, physical sciences and mathematics. The UK?s Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education recently awarded Southampton the highest possible grading for the standard of its teaching, and students placed Southampton in the top 10 in the UK for overall satisfaction with their studies in the most recent National Student Survey.\r\n\r\nThree arts venues of national standing can be found on the main campus: the Nuffield Theatre, the Turner Sims Concert Hall and the John Hansard Art Gallery. An award-winning bus service, Uni-link, makes a significant contribution to the student and local community, connecting campuses, halls of residence, city centre and main transport links. The University is also proud of its excellent student accommodation and the impressive range of catering facilities at its many and varied cafés and restaurants. The students? union has a club or society to suit everyone and a huge range of facilities and entertainments ? all part of the vibrant and sociable atmosphere that characterises university life at Southampton.

University Road
United Kingdom
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 樓主| 發表於 2012-12-23 20:02:33 | 顯示全部樓層
74. University of Geneva
From the time of its creation in 1559 by Jean Calvin, right up to the recent discovery by University astrophysicists of extrasolar planets, the University of Geneva has continued to grow and develop while maintaining its longstanding tradition of excellence with an international angle.

The University of Geneva is the second largest university in Switzerland and is a public institution of the Republic and Canton of Geneva. It pursues three missions: Teaching (classes are, in general, taught in French), research, and service to the wider community.

24, rue du Général-Dufour
Geneve 4
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 樓主| 發表於 2012-12-23 20:02:56 | 顯示全部樓層
Leiden University
Leiden University (founded in 1575) is a research-intensive university. It houses approximately 19,000 students and 4,000 staff members. The University consists of six faculties, a School of Education (teacher training), and a Campus in The Hague. The University houses the faculties of Archaeology, Humanities, Law, Medicine/LUMC (Leiden University Medical Center), Mathematics and Natural Sciences and Social and Behavioural Sciences. The University offers a varied range of bachelor's, master's and PhD programmes as well as various interdisciplinary minors. In addition, Leiden University has a Pre-University College, an Honours College, as well as Leiden University College The Hague.
In september 2010 a new bachelor programme is offered: Leiden University College The Hague. This programme will provide a three year Liberal Arts & Sciences programme in English for a selected group of excellent and highly motivated students from around the world.

Leiden University is aiming for an internationally recognised position as a top-ranking research-intensive university within the European Higher Education and Research Areas. Leiden University already has a top position in a great many fields, including natural sciences, life sciences, medicine, arts, social and behavioural sciences, international law, astronomy and non-Western languages.

Guiding principles
The three guiding principles of the University are:
1. an international orientation;
2. the research-intensive character of the University;
3. maintaining the quality of education and research.

Degree Programmes
The University positions its degree programmes in an international context and guarantees their quality and level in accordance with internationally accepted norms. Graduates are fully equipped to embark on both master's and PhD degree programmes abroad.

International Office
P.O. Box 9500
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 樓主| 發表於 2012-12-23 20:03:27 | 顯示全部樓層
76. Tohoku University
Tohoku University was founded in 1907 as the third imperial university, during the period when Japan had begun to transform itself into a modernized society. Since then, it has played a leading role in both research and education in Japan, and is now ranked among the top universities in the Asia-Pacific region.

From the start Tohoku University has maintained uniqueness within Japan. The university has always conceived strong loyalty to science while other former imperial universities have tried to meet the governmental needs. This has resulted in remarkable success in the University's own research and also the cultivation of brilliant students who have maintained a desire for science even after they left the university. A typical example, and probably the best known is Mr. Koichi Tanaka, the 2002 Nobel Prize laureate and a graduate of the class of 1983.

The university sees science as something to be used for the good of humanity. This has encouraged us to apply the most advanced scientific knowledge in various fields such as engineering, medicine, and law, to the needs of society. The university is widely regarded as one of the most active in industry-university cooperation in Japan.

We have also placed great emphasis on an "open door" policy. Tohoku University was the first national university to turn coeducational and there is a constant influx of large numbers of International students and scholars from all over the world. In April 2004, all national universities in Japan became incorporated body and therefore legally independent of the national government. We are firmly convinced that the key to success to this new organizational structure is our existing "open door" policy and in particular, our ambitious plans for continued transnational research collaboration and student exchange.

Tohoku University is located in the northern part of Honshu Island--the main island of Japan--, in the City of Sendai. There are several campuses, fully equipped with everything necessary to a modern academic environment in scenic surroundings and a mild climate. Sendai itself is a historic port city, close to the mountains and permeated with woodland areas.

Tohoku University is situated in an extremely comfortable place to live and work and has some of the most friendly and exciting colleagues you will find in Japan.

1-1 Katahira 2-chome
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 樓主| 發表於 2012-12-23 20:03:52 | 顯示全部樓層
77. University of Birmingham
From 1900 to the present day, we?ve been leading the way in research and education, making ground-breaking progress in areas that span industries such as gene structure, medicine, space research and communications.

We were the first university to:
Accept students from all religions and backgrounds on a completely equal basis
Build on a campus model
Incorporate a medical school
Create a purpose built students? union

Each year, over 4,000 students from 150 countries study at the University of Birmingham, enhancing our reputation as a truly international university, and adding to our diverse range of cultures, views and opinions.
Provide a sporting option for all students in the interests of promoting health and well-being
Birmingham ranks 5th in the UK for research excellence; in the most recent Research Assessment Exercise in 2001, seven areas of Birmingham?s research achieved the six star rating ? a rating only given to studies of significant international importance.
Excellent sporting facilities, a busy calendar of social events and a global reputation for teaching makes Birmingham a great place to study ? and we?re proud of the calibre of our academic community.

The leafy 250 acre, self-contained Edgbaston campus has all the facilities of a busy town: bars, cafes, shops, a hair salon, concert hall, bank, art gallery, doctor?s surgery, museums and its own railway station- all of the facilities you need to support your learning, social life, sporting and other interests at the University.
Birmingham has some of the best sports facilities in the country and a reputation for sporting excellence reflected in its consistent top three ranking in British inter-varsity sport.

Some of the organisations around the University were once used exclusively by academics, but now attract visitors from all over the world. With an impressive sculpture trail on campus, our own art gallery and botanical gardens, and important historical collections in our schools and departments, there?s a lot to see and do at Birmingham.

United Kingdom
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