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World University Rankings (2012)

 樓主| 發表於 2012-12-23 19:43:48 | 顯示全部樓層
38. University of Wisconsin-Madison
500 Lincoln Drive
United States
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 樓主| 發表於 2012-12-23 19:44:10 | 顯示全部樓層
39. The University of Sydney
Sydney's research-led teaching provides education in its broadest sense, where the University's 33,000 undergraduates are challenged to absorb and transform knowledge into unique new insights and breakthroughs. Studying alongside top researchers, and in some cases contributing to their research, exposes Sydney students to excellence - and challenges them to excel as leaders in whatever career field they choose.

Sydney's provision of world-class teaching and research is bolstered by the contribution of international students, who make up around one-fifth of the student body. Students from 147 countries fill the University's campuses.

All students benefit from the lively campus life, close to the centre of the city of Sydney and surrounded by some of its most cosmopolitan suburbs. Life at the University of Sydney is about much more than study - it's about developing the whole person, inside and outside the classroom.

Sydney student life is vibrant, active and dynamic. There is something for everyone to get involved in. The University's clubs and societies have a long tradition of enriching student life and providing a springboard for future careers. Sydney's debaters rank among the best in the world, while the student union is home to more than 200 clubs and societies, ranging from Alchemy to Zen. Sporting clubs provide opportunities for all, from casual fitness enthusiasts to athletes targeting the next Olympic games.

When students need help, there are many avenues to turn to, from student-led groups to University-provided support services that give advice on careers, accommodation, welfare, learning skills and much more. Independent student advocacy groups support students in their interaction with the University and beyond, and meaningful student representation on University decision-making bodies is actively encouraged.

Three-quarters of students study on the adjoining Camperdown and Darlington campuses, close to the centre of Sydney and major transport connections. These central campuses blend neo-gothic sandstone heritage gargoyles and courtyards with contemporary, well-equipped teaching, learning and research facilities, sports grounds and facilities, cafes and bars, and libraries, museums, and art galleries.

The central campuses house most of the University's faculties, with campuses for music, visual arts, nursing and dentistry students close by. Veterinary and agriculture students benefit from extensive farms and research units located about 65km outside Sydney, as well as more central teaching space. The Faculty of Health Sciences has its own dedicated campus with spacious grounds and modern facilities a 20-minute train ride from the centre of Sydney.
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 樓主| 發表於 2012-12-23 19:44:31 | 顯示全部樓層
40. The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Shatin, N.T
Hong Kong SAR
Hong Kong
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 樓主| 發表於 2012-12-23 19:44:58 | 顯示全部樓層
41. Ecole Polytechnique
For more than two hundred years, Ecole Polytechnique, the most prestigious educational establishment in France, has been dedicated to educating students in Science and Technology at the highest level.

The mission of Ecole Polytechnique is to train students capable of devising and achieving complex and innovative projects at the highest-level possible, thanks to a strong multidisciplinary scientific education. Among Polytechnique-related high-technology projects are the TGV, France?s high-speed train; Ariane rocket launchers; the only commercial supersonic aircraft, the Concorde; Airbus planes; the world-wide implementation of the most successful mobile telephone system, the GSM; and France?s nuclear reactor system.

The Ecole's mission is also to train young men and women in leadership skills so that they can become tomorrow's outstanding scientists, researchers, managers and public officials.

Ecole Polytechnique, a state-supported Grande Ecole, with 2,500 students, more than 900 faculty members and 1,600 people in its Research Centre, is a member of the ParisTech group which is composed of ten of the foremost French Graduate Institutes of Science & Technology located in the Paris area.

There are many reasons why outstanding students in Science and Technology might choose to study at Ecole Polytechnique:

- A wide and comprehensive curriculum which offers each and every student a unique chance to choose from selected courses and map out his or her own professional goals

- The Research Centre is on the cutting edge of most scientific fields; the development of partnerships -one of the most ambitious projects in Europe- has helped forge links with institutions of higher learning from all over the world

- Ecole Polytechnique's alumni hold key positions in the world of Science, Business, Industry and in the Public Sector

- Beyond its academic requirements, the Institute is committed to training young men and women of excellence for leadership, including through student clubs and service to the community, but also in sports and recreational activities which can be practiced on a large campus with all the necessary modern facilities just 20 minutes away from Paris.

These are some of the many reasons why Ecole Polytechnique has been regularly ranked first for undergraduate and postgraduate programs in Science and Technology among the French Grandes Ecoles and why it is considered as one of the finest institutions of higher learning in Science in the world. Directed by a board of trustees consisting of twenty-six leaders in Business and Industry, Science, Engineering, Higher Education and other managerial professions, Ecole Polytechnique is also supported by a very strong alumni association.


Alumni include:
- Scientists
* Mathematicians: Cauchy, Coriolis, Monge, Poincaré, Poisson; Paul Lévy (probability theory), Benoît Mandelbrot (fractal geometry)
* Physicists: Ampère (co-discovered electromagnetism), Becquerel (Nobel Prize in Physics ? co-discovered radioactivity), Carnot (founder of the field of thermodynamics), Fresnel (major contributor to wave optics), Navier (Navier-Stokes equations)
* Chemists: Gay Lussac
* Economists: Maurice Allais (Nobel Prize in Economics)
* Astronauts: Jean-François Clervoy and Philippe Perrin.
- Presidents of the French Republic: Sadi Carnot, Valéry Giscard d?Estaing
- Founders of Corporations: André Citroën, Conrad Schlumberger, Serge Dassault
- Chairmans or CEOs of multinational companies: Patrick Kron (Alstom), Claude Bébéar (Axa), Michel Pébereau (BNP Paribas), Pierre Gadonneix (EDF), Didier Lombard (France Telecom), Bertrand Collomb (Lafarge), Bernard Arnault (LVMH), Carlos Ghosn (Nissan / Renault), Jean-Paul Herteman (Safran), Jean-Louis Beffa (Saint-Gobain), Gérard Mestrallet (Suez), Denis Ranque (Thales)
- Military Officers: Generals Foch and Joffre
- and the Philosopher Auguste Comte, the Tennis Champion Jean Borotra (Davis Cup Winner), the Architect Paul Andreu.

Former faculty members include Joseph Fourier, Joseph-Louis Lagrange or Laurent Schwartz (Fields Medal). 14 professors at Ecole Polytechnique are currently members of the French Academy of Sciences, among them Jacques-Louis Lions (Fields Medal).

What students say?

Sunanda Prabhu-Gaunkar - Indian
I came to know of the very special profile of X (Ecole Polytechnique?s nickname) among the top Graduate Institute of Science & Technology of the world. I decided to take up the challenge of the ?concours? (international admission). Not knowing French made me hesitate but that was no problem at all at that time. Learning the language thereafter was an experience I shall cherish. The campus is superb and the routine here is just the right blend of studies, sports and other extracurricular activities. Me, like others coming from different countries find it exciting and enriching. It was worth accepting this challenge and temptation to come to one of the best campuses of the world to be in.

Maxime Boucher - Canadian
What I like the most about Ecole Polytechnique is the multidisciplinarity of the curriculum. Hence, on top of the usual scientific courses, I'll be able to follow general humanities and social sciences courses not necessarily applied to engineering, foreign language courses and sport. Also, with the numerous travels organized by students, I'll go this year to Ireland with my rugby team and I'll live two months in Japan in a family to learn Japanese.

Lionel Corre - French
Today, Ecole Polytechnique is increasingly wide open to the World. We do have the opportunity to spend part of our curriculum in a prestigious institution abroad, such as Stanford or Tokyo University. On the reverse, on the campus, you can meet more and more international students from all over the world, from Russia, to the United States, from China to Sweden... Moreover, according to our passions, we have founded associations like mine, X-Japon, whose aim is to foster the opening towards Japan.

Good at?

Science & Technology: Physics & Applied Physics, Engineering Mechanics, Computer Science, Mathematics & Applied Mathematics, Economics & Finance, Life Sciences

Route de Saclay
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 樓主| 發表於 2012-12-23 19:45:18 | 顯示全部樓層
Brown University
Brown University is a leading Ivy League institution with a distinctive undergraduate academic program, a world-class faculty, outstanding graduate and medical students, and a tradition of innovative and rigorous multidisciplinary study. A commitment to diversity and intellectual freedom has remained a hallmark of the University since its establishment.

Brown students are distinguished by their academic excellence, self-direction, and collaborative style of learning. Brown faculty are deeply committed to teaching, preeminent in their fields, and leaders in advancing knowledge that has broad scholarly, theoretical, and practical applications.

United States
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 樓主| 發表於 2012-12-23 19:46:00 | 顯示全部樓層
43. New York University (NYU)

One hundred and seventy years ago, Albert Gallatin, the distinguished statesman who served as secretary of the treasury under President Thomas Jefferson, declared his intention to establish ?in this immense and fast-growing city ? a system of rational and practical education fitting for all and graciously open to all.?

At that time, 1831, most students in American colleges and universities were members of the privileged classes. Albert Gallatin and the University?s founding fathers planned NYU as a center of higher learning that would be open to all, regardless of national origin, religious beliefs, or social background.

While the University?s commitment to these ideals remains unchanged, in many ways Albert Gallatin would scarcely recognize NYU today. From a student body of 158, enrollment has grown to nearly 40,000 students attending 14 schools and colleges at six different locations in Manhattan and in over 20 study-abroad countries around the world. Students come from many foreign countries. The faculty, which initially consisted of 14 professors (among them artist and inventor Samuel F. B. Morse), now totals over 3,100 full-time members.

University Seal
The seal is composed of five emblems that embrace the goals and traditions of NYU. These include the NYU name and founding year. The motto perstare et praestare, to persevere and to excel, underscores the depiction of classic runners and, when combined, they represent the continued pursuit of academic excellence. Finally, there is the upheld torch of the Lady of the Harbor, which signifies NYU in service to the ?metropolis? - New York City

Institution Accommodation
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 樓主| 發表於 2012-12-23 19:46:26 | 顯示全部樓層
44. Peking University
Peking University is a comprehensive and National key university. The campus, known as "Yan Yuan"-- the gardens of Yan, is situated at the northeast of the Haidian District at the western suburbs of Beijing. It stands near the Yuan Ming Gardens and the Summer Palace.

The University consists of 30 colleges and 12 departments, with 93 specialties for undergraduates, 2 specialties for the second Bachelor's degree, 199 specialties for Master candidates and 173 specialties for Doctoral candidates. While still laying stress on basic sciences, the university has paid special attention to the development of applied sciences.

At present, Peking university has 216 research institutes and research centres, and there are 2 national engineering research centres, 81 key national disciplines, 12 national key laboratories.

The university has made an effective combination of the research on important scientific issues with the training of personnel with high level specialized knowledge and professional skill as demanded by the country's socialist modernization. It strives not only for the simultaneous improvements in teaching and research work, but also for the promotion of interaction and mutual promotion among various subjects.

Thus Peking University has become a center for teaching and research and a university of the new type, consisting of diverse branches of learning such as pure and applied sciences, social sciences and the humanities, and sciences of management and education. Its aim is to rank among the world's best universities at the beginning of the next century.

No. 5 Yiheyuan Road
Haidian District
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 樓主| 發表於 2012-12-23 19:47:04 | 顯示全部樓層
45. University of British Columbia
2329 West Mall
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 樓主| 發表於 2012-12-23 19:47:56 | 顯示全部樓層
46. The University of Queensland
Ranked among the top 1% of universities in the world* The University of Queensland (UQ) is one of Australia’s premier learning and research institutions. 45,500 students study at UQ, 11,300 are international.  

The University constantly strives to deliver excellence in the areas of Learning, Discovery and Engagement so UQ students graduate with an education that is not only comprehensive and high-quality, but is practical, relevant and globally minded.

Students learn from teachers who have won more teaching awards than teachers at any other Australian university, and can choose from over 375 programs, at undergraduate, postgraduate and research higher degree levels, in diverse areas across six faculties.

The University has eight world class research institutes, and researchers whose innovations are having a global impact, including the creation of a cervical cancer vaccine, breakthroughs in dengue fever prevention, and the installation of the largest photovoltaic solar panel in the southern hemisphere. As a UQ student you have the opportunity to be taught by and work alongside these researchers.

UQ students can engage with the national and international community through worldwide internship opportunities in diverse program areas, field trips with destinations ranging from tropical Heron Island in North Queensland to Hong Kong, student exchanges, and study abroad opportunities. Since 2006 over 900 UQ students have spent a semester abroad with one of our partner institutions.

It’s a thorough approach, which gives UQ students the solid practical and theoretical grounding they need for their career. And it’s why in the 2011 Employer Review of the QS Rankings of World Universities The University was ranked 51st in the world for graduate employability.

Student services
The University of Queensland aims to help international students settle in to Australia as easily as possible so that they can enjoy the best possible study experience:

•    new students are met at the airport, and UQ Accommodation services can help organise somewhere for you to live www.uq.edu.au/accommodation
•    UQ arranges comprehensive orientation programs where students can find out about Australia and the education system
•    UQ helps with study techniques and English language learning
•    UQ offers a range of other support, including computer assistance, career advice and even health services.

At UQ you can take advantage of some of the most flexible study options on offer with many programs offering mid-year intake. Industry placement, field trips and practical options combine to make UQ’s programs career-focused, exciting, and relevant to today’s environment. Visit www.uq.edu.au/study for more information.

Choose from UQ’s high-quality programs and courses in the following areas of study:

•    Agriculture, Animals, Food and Environment
•    Business, Economics, Law and Tourism
•    Engineering, Architecture and Information Technology
•    Health
•    Humanities, Social Science, Education and Arts
•    Science, Geography and Planning

Pathways to UQ
The UQ Institute of Continuing and TESOL Education (ICTE-UQ) offers students exceptional opportunities to develop their English language skills for academic, professional or personal purposes, and the accredited UQ Foundation Year (UQFY) prepares students for entry into the first year of undergraduate programs at UQ.
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 樓主| 發表於 2012-12-23 19:48:22 | 顯示全部樓層
Nanyang Technological University (NTU)
A research-intensive public university, Nanyang Technological University (NTU) has 33,500 undergraduate and postgraduate students in the colleges of Engineering, Business, Science, and Humanities, Arts, & Social Sciences. In 2013, NTU will enrol the first batch of students at its new medical school, the Lee Kong Chian School of Medicine, which is set up jointly with Imperial College London.

NTU is also home to four world-class autonomous institutes – the National Institute of Education, S Rajaratnam School of International Studies, Earth Observatory of Singapore, and Singapore Centre on Environmental Life Sciences Engineering – and various leading research centres such as the Nanyang Environment & Water Research Institute (NEWRI), Energy Research Institute @ NTU (ERI@N) and the Institute on Asian Consumer Insight (ACI).

A fast-growing university with an international outlook, NTU is putting its global stamp on Five Peaks of Excellence: Sustainable Earth, Future Healthcare, New Media, New Silk Road, and Innovation Asia.

Besides the main Yunnan Garden campus, NTU also has a satellite campus in Singapore’s science and tech hub, one-north, and is setting up a third campus in Novena, Singapore’s medical district.

For more information, visit www.ntu.edu.sg

50 Nanyang Avenue
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 樓主| 發表於 2012-12-23 19:48:45 | 顯示全部樓層
Tsinghua University
The campus of Tsinghua University is situated on the former imperial gardens of the Qing Dynasty and surrounded by a number of historical sites in north-west Beijing. As one of China?s most renowned universities, Tsinghua is an important school for fostering talent and scientific research.

Tsinghua University was established in 1911, originally under the name of Tsinghua Xuetang. The university section was founded in 1925 and undergraduate students were then enrolled. The name National Tsinghua University was adopted in 1928. It has developed into a comprehensive research university at a breathtaking pace. At present, the university has 14 schools, 56 departments with faculties in science, engineering, the humanities, law, medicine, history, philosophy, economics, management, education and art.

The university currently has over 4000 faculty members, including 1172 full professors and 1,061 associate professors. Among them, there are 36 members of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and 32 members of the Chinese Academy of Engineering.

As one of the country's leading institutions of learning and research, Tsinghua University has a strong commitment to basic research, applied research and scientific innovation. The total publications in SCI, EI and ISTP by Tsinghua faculties keep the first ranking among all of the universities in China.

There are over 28,000 students studying at Tsinghua including 14,000 undergraduates and 14,000 graduate students. The Tsinghua graduate school offers 228 doctoral programs and 249 master degree programs. Over 2400 students from 103 countries in the world are studying here annually.

Tsinghua campuses cover an area of 406 hectares which accommodate all of the full time students. Research and teaching facilities include 7 libraries, 6 public teaching buildings, 155 research institutes and many school and department buildings. Other service facilities, such as dormitory buildings, supermarkets, bookstores, banks, post offices, hospital, sports centers, outdoor and indoor swimming pools, restaurants and dining halls, make daily life on campus very convenient.
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 樓主| 發表於 2012-12-23 19:49:16 | 顯示全部樓層
49. Carnegie Mellon University
5000 Forbes Avenue
United States
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 樓主| 發表於 2012-12-23 19:49:37 | 顯示全部樓層
Osaka University
Since its establishment as an Imperial University in 1931, spanning its 70-year history, Osaka University has conducted education and research with the aim of establishing itself as a world-leading institution contributing to advancement in the level of human knowledge. Osaka University has come to encompass 10 Faculties/Schools, 14 Graduate Schools, 5 Research Institutes, and 2 National Facilities for Joint Use, in addition to a number of other facilities, in its development as one of Japan?s most distinguished universities.

Aiming to further develop in the 21st century, Osaka University will welcome a new beginning under a system of independent administration from April 2004. While maintaining focus on the continuation of education and research, Osaka University must undergo a reformation in order to better realize its philosophy of ?Live Locally, Grow Globally.? Osaka University, as an institution that fosters the creation of wisdom, should consistently function as a base for a culture of thought. Under such a strong common belief, we are making advancements in the tuning of the education and research atmosphere to assure its further development as a first-class institution through the open-minded education and research activities provided by its professors. Osaka University shall proceed operating through a structure under which the leadership of the President will provide a basis for the coordination of an institution displaying even more promise, reaching all of the university?s education and research departments. This shall provide for a rising of the bar of the overall achievements of the independent and active education and research conducted by these departments?
a change worth displaying to the international world.

1-1 Yamadaoka, Suita
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 樓主| 發表於 2012-12-23 19:50:07 | 顯示全部樓層
51. University of Copenhagen
The University of Copenhagen was founded in 1479 and is the oldest and largest university in Denmark. The University has a student body of 37,000 including 2,300 international students. The eight faculties of

Health Sciences
Life Sciences
Pharmaceutical Science
Social Sciences

are located on four campus areas in Copenhagen and encompass approximately one hundred different institutes, departments, laboratories, centres, as well as museums and the Botanical Gardens.

Research and Teaching
The University aims to prepare students for a broad range of jobs in the private and public sectors. For this reason, education at the University covers specific skills and scientific methods as well as other more theoretical skills that will enable graduates to improve their qualifications. Teaching and research are closely integrated in order to achieve this, first and foremost by according them equal importance in the daily work of the academic and scientific staff and whenever possible basing the teaching on research. The University of Copenhagen has produced no less than 8 Nobel Prize winners.

The University of Copenhagen is a member of IARU (International Alliance of Research Universities). The alliance consists of ten universities worldwide: Australian National University, ETH Zürich, National University of Singapore, Peking University, University of California, Berkeley, University of Cambridge, University of Copenhagen, University of Oxford, The University of Tokyo, and Yale University.

The University offers a wide range of Master’s Degrees (graduate degrees) in English as well as large number of individual courses in English for exchange and guest students.

Noerregade 10
Copenhagen K
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 樓主| 發表於 2012-12-23 19:50:58 | 顯示全部樓層
52.The University of New South Wales (UNSW)
One of the leading teaching and research universities in Australia.
A founding member of the prestigous Group of 8 universities, UNSW is renowned for its academic reputation - continually amongst the highest ranked universities in Australia and currently ranked 49th in the world.

UNSW is a research powerhouse, with involvement in more than 100 ground-breaking research programs, from quantum computing to cancer research to interactive cinema.
UNSW degrees are recognised around the world, and our graduates are highly employable, commanding some of the highest starting salaries. As a result, more than half of New South Wales' top HSC students consistently make UNSW their first preference, more than all other universities in the State combined.

UNSW enjoys a vibrant and cosmopolitan campus life, with close to 12,000 international students from over 120 countries. The university maintains strong links with its international graduate community, and has over 200 student exchange opportunities in 35 countries around the world.

UNSW is well located in the eastern suburbs of Sydney, close to Sydney's most popular beaches, parks and only 20 minutes from Sydney Airport. UNSW is close to the city's main business hub, providing easy access to a wide range of academic, cultural and social activities.

UNSW offers a rich and comprehensive learning experience, with over 900 programs
available across nine faculties.
Institution Excellence
Teaching and research are core activities of UNSW and through studying
with us you will be part of a university that is:

•    ranked 49th in the world in the 2011 QS World University Rankings *
•    recognised as the top university in Australia for teaching and learning in the latest Australian Federal Government’s Learning and Teaching Performance Fund
•    ranked Australia’s 4th most research-intensive university in the Australian Research Council’s 2010 Excellence in Research for Australia Report
•    a member of the prestigious Group of Eight (Go8), leading teaching and research universities in Australia
•    a member of Universitas 21, a consortium of the world’s leading research universities from Asia, Europe and North America and consistently ranked in the top 50 universities in the world
•    a major recipient of competitive research grants from industry and government bodies such as the Australian Research Council
•    Ranked 35th in the world for employer reputation, UNSW international graduates have the highest median starting salaries amongst the Group of Eight**

* 2011 QS World University Rankings
**2011 Australian Graduate Survey. Includes undergraduate and postgraduate international graduates
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 樓主| 發表於 2012-12-23 19:51:23 | 顯示全部樓層
53. Technische Universität München
The Technische Universitaet Muenchen (TUM) offers a wide range of studies in engineering, natural sciences, life and medical sciences and economics. TUM covers a wide spectrum of fundamental and applied research. The course program contains about 140 courses of study, 98% with bachelor and master degrees. TUM has drawn up double diploma agreements with more than 20 universities and maintains partnerships with around 170 universities worldwide.
Today TUM comprises thirteen faculties with about 23,000 students (more than 10 percent of whom come from abroad), 430 professors and roughly 6,500 members of staff, academic and non-academic. TUM thus is well positioned along the value chain of creating new knowledge and know how. Since its inception in 1868, TUM established its reputation as a foremost academic institution with six nobel prizes and many other prestigious awards, making it repeatedly the Number One German Technical Uiversity in different rankings. From the German Science Council and the German Research Foundation TUM was awarded as one of the outstanding German research univiersities. Today, TUM counts not only the best German academics as its alumni, but also a great number of top executives of German industry. TUM commits itself to the mission statement of The Entrepreunerial University.

Arcisstrasse 21
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 樓主| 發表於 2012-12-23 19:51:49 | 顯示全部樓層
University of Glasgow
The University of Glasgow has been helping talented people to succeed since 1451.

It's the fourth oldest university in the UK; Glasgow's undergraduates walk in the footsteps of eminent thinkers throughout history such as the father of economics Adam Smith, and Scotland’s inaugural First Minister Donald Dewar. Today, the University continues its proud tradition as a research-intensive institution with a global reach.

If you want to achieve the best you can in life, joining Glasgow's community of 16,500 undergraduates is a good way to start. The University offers a broad choice of subjects, excellent teaching standards and superb facilities. You can choose from a wide range of degree programmes that are flexible enough to meet your needs. And the University's international reputation, high graduate employment and exciting student lifestyle are great benefits too.

This means that if you choose to study at the University of Glasgow, you’ll:

•be part of a university ranked in the top 1% of the world

•learn from pioneering academics whose research is internationally recognised

•discover a diverse student population made up of 20,000 people from more than 120 countries

•find first class facilities for sport, one of the best libraries in Europe and a new students services building where you can get advice on everything from careers to council tax; and

•enjoy living in the UK’s 3rd largest city – Scotland’s biggest – with a renowned music scene, fabulous shopping, a wealth of arts and cultural venues, and friendly nightlife, all on your doorstep.

These are some of the reasons why the International Student Barometer ranks Glasgow 3rd in the UK, and why the University's final year undergraduates report satisfaction levels of 90%, according to the National Student Survey 2010.

University Avenue
United Kingdom
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 樓主| 發表於 2012-12-23 19:52:12 | 顯示全部樓層
Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg
Founded in 1386, Heidelberg University is Germany’s oldest university and one of the leading research institutions in Europe. Heidelberg provides excellent research and education opportunities for scholars and students from all over the world. Moreover, Heidelberg is one of the few universities to have succeeded in the recent Excellence Initiative, a competition funded by the German federal government to promote outstanding research at German universities.
A comprehensive university, the Ruperto Carola combines traditional values with forward-looking scientific concepts in research and teaching.
The wide spectrum of disciplines offered at Heidelberg University includes sixty study courses for undergraduate students and sixty-eight for graduate students (many of which are taught in English) spanning the social and natural sciences, humanities, law and medicine. They range for example from Archeology to Translation Studies, from Applied Computer Science to Theology or from Economy to Physics.
Noteworthy among the university’s outstanding research areas are our Transcultural Studies, Molecular Life Sciences, Medicine, Physics and Astronomy, Chemistry, Mathematics and Scientific Computing departments and research groups.
The Ruperto Carola is deeply committed to strengthening its disciplines while exploiting multidisciplinary opportunities to probe crosscutting transdisciplinary issues. In this sense, Heidelberg University strives to build bridges – between faculties and subjects, between university and non-university research institutions, between academia and business. By fostering cross-institutional collaboration, the Ruperto Carola will continue establishing outstanding interdisciplinary research centres in Heidelberg.
Heidelberg University is home to over 28,000 full-time students, including more than 5,000 foreign students. The Ruperto Carola also attracts more than 500 international scholars as Visiting Professors each academic year. Over the centuries, Heidelberg University has offered tens of thousands of international students an opportunity to immerse themselves in the academic life of one of the world’s premier institutions of higher learning; for many of them, the Ruperto Carola was a stepping-stone toward a successful career.
Set in the picturesque Neckar Valley, Heidelberg’s beautiful historic centre offers a romantic small-town atmosphere with cosmopolitan appeal. Students and academics alike enjoy superior access to the university‘s outstanding research facilities, including a first-rate library with 3.1 million volumes, and to internationally acclaimed non-university research institutions, such as the German Cancer Research Center or the Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law.

Grabengasse 1
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 樓主| 發表於 2012-12-23 19:52:56 | 顯示全部樓層
56. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
901 West Illinois Street
United States
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 樓主| 發表於 2012-12-23 19:53:26 | 顯示全部樓層
57. University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
Through its teaching, research and public service, the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill is an educational and economic beacon for the people of North Carolina and beyond.
The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill was the nation?s first state university to open its doors and the only public university to award degrees in the 18th century.
Authorized by the N.C. Constitution in 1776, the university was chartered by the N.C. General Assembly Dec. 11, 1789, the same year George Washington first was inaugurated as president.
The cornerstone was laid for Old East, the nation?s first state university building, Oct. 12, 1793. Hinton James, the first student, arrived from Wilmington, N.C., Feb. 12, 1795.
The 729-acre central campus includes the two oldest state university buildings, Old East and Person Hall. Old East and Playmakers Theatre, an 1852 Greek-revival building are National Historic Landmarks.
The American Society of Landscape Architects selected the Carolina campus as one of the most beautifully landscaped spots in the country. That listing is among the praise affirming the charm of mighty oaks, majestic quadrangles, brick sidewalks and other landscaping synonymous with UNC.
Several national publications regularly publish rankings that listed Carolina prominently in categories ranging from academic quality to affordability to diversity to public service to international presence. Recent highlights include:
5th best public university in U.S. News & World Report's 2006 "Best Colleges" guidebook. Affirmation as a national leader in student accessibility; 1st among public campuses and 10th overall in "Great Schools, Great Prices," based on academic quality, net cost of attendance and average student debt. 5th among publics for "least debt." 54% of course sections enrolled fewer than 20 students-a key UNC measure of excellence.
Kenan-Flagler Business School: tied for 5th among undergraduate programs; tied for second among public campuses.
Recent freshman classes at Carolina have set new standards of excellence as measured by the rigorous coursework students have taken in high school, as well as their grades and SAT scores. In 2005, the university's incoming freshmen continued that trend. And the most academically qualified incoming class ever enrolled in fall 2005-3,751 students from more than 18,700 applicants. Nearly three of every four entering students were in the top 10 percent of their class. Forty percent were among the top 10 students. Eleven percent were valedictorians or salutatorians, and 85 percent earned a 4.0 grade-point average or better. Enrolling students' average SAT score was 1299, up 12 points from last year and 42 points in the past five years.

CB #2200, Jackson Hall
Chapel Hill
United States
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