OK, since I got some feedback fm my report then I should share more info to all C hing about other NC...
Except TST some time we also pay in MK or GD, lately I find NGF is pretty good, this is because you can find some young local girl there, of course don't expect the qlty can be compare to TST but spend around 1.8 to 2K with sexy service which is fair enough for dancing, I did try one girl who told me she is dancer, I don't know it's a true or not but she really have good body and below 20 only, not really pretty but again 700 one shot then what you expect ?
However, I haven't go there for long time since most of them I already tried ( honestly only 4 to 6 girls is OK, some is gold fish and some is port chop ), I can't see any new girl fm there past half year and so I stop to go there. another point is the MMS is bad, I recall usually I spend around 1.2K there for 2.5 to 3 hour without handing the girl out, however, lately they charge me at least 1.5K, please understand I only take tea dance over there and it should not too expensive, 2 to 3 hundred is meaningless for me but I hate the way she is doing, also the MMS always call me and say some new girl and pretty and asking me to come, end up is port chop again, the last time she told she really get a good girl and for sure not port chop, yes, she is OK ( OK but not really good ) but I have to wait more then opne hours before seat that girl, before that I have eat moster and spend extra 1k for those fuxking port chop, the bill end up is 2.2k which including one hour port chop and the "OK girls" go out charge, total I spend : 2.2k in NC + 20tips, 150 hotel room charge and 700 to the girl, total 2970 for MK tea dancing, what the Fxxk ??? after that I stop to there no matter the MMS call me again and again !!!!
Anyhow, if some Ching first time to go then it should be OK, but please note normall the girl charge you the sexy service is 500 but some will ask more, you should make clear this point before go out, good luck all Ching ! |