last sunday afternoon, i decided to check soapy in HuayKwang, and Petchaburi Road, my maiden voyage to such establishments. took the BTS, got off @ Asok to MRT. As I walked out, it was pouring, i thought bangkok was going to be flooded then and there. 
上個星期日下咒,我決定去 HuayKwang, Petchaburi试试金鱼缸泡泡浴,第一次去玩,有点紧张。bts到Asok,然后mrt。一出asok,哇,落汤鸡gum,小,金日体怕无野玩啦。。
Anyway, there is not f*king way I am going to find anything good in the weather so I decided to find some place dry to wait it out, and also find something to eat. As I walked out exit 5, I heard speaker blasting, neon lights, and ballons on the odd number side of Sukhumvit. I usually don't go to mall, but seems like i didn't have a choice as I didn't bring an umbrella. I walked in, the mall was brand new, they set up location "theme" for each floor of the mall, and stages with performance. This place is called Terminal 21, and the best parts are:
1) the information desk girls dressed up like stewardress like in the airport, some of them are HOT!
2) the food court on the 5th floor is CLEAN, CHEAP, and if you go there on the right time, there are some cuties to enhance your appetite
1)信息服務台女孩打扮像空姐一樣,好像在機場一样,其中有D好L HOT!
2)五樓美食廣場好干净,又平,如果你遇到“空姐”换shift的時間,D美眉都上sai来食,一边吃一边kap女,可以提高你的食慾 hehe
If C-Hing are nearby, i would recommend go there and check it out, also if you know a bit of Thai, you may want to ask the "stewardress" if they do freelance, most of them are HOT. May be it just the uniform, but they look mighty yummy.
如果C-興亥附近,可以值得过去kup kup,如果你识泰语重正,你可能問问“空姐”距地做不做freelance,其中大部分食数很高。有可能亥距地穿ge祭服,但距地真亥吴错。
After the rain turned into drizzle, i MRT to La Belle, less than 10 were working that day, 3300 ones are edible, but they seemed to be a bit standoff-ish, no eye contact, busy texting. I left w/o choosing, and went back to Soi Cowboy for drinks and gogo dancer treatment.
雨停后,我MRT到La佳麗,金日小猫3-4只,3300食数ok,但距地似乎有d寸,无放电,一味挂住發短信无mud点踩客人。我无選就走,反去SOI牛仔飲酒和玩gogo girls - 有对姐妹几放,买左一杯lady drink就french我,又比波西我玩。
Below are the scenery pictures I took @ food court.

Thank you for reading.