泰國夜店類別: 桑拿
場所名稱: Emmenuelle
是次消費: 3000~3999銖
日期: 2011-09
消費意見 可以一試
返啅指數: 6/10
I had spent a very long holiday in Bangkok. Here is my 2nd girl in Emmenuelle. She is good for the service and we can communicate in English. So have more fun during the process. She costs (every girl has a price) B3000 and with a dragon tatoo just above her pussy hair. Her pussy is still very tight even she has worked there for over a year. Not asked whether she worked other SN before joining this company. Here are the photos:
If I have mood and your encouragement is good enough, I may consider to post more girls' photos for sharing with bros during my vacation. Hope you enjoy the photos as well. Cheers