Filtering Cells with non zero figure - Advanced Filter
篩選出不是 0 值的儲存格 – 進階篩選
Sometimes our Income Statement contains many zero account, and want only showing those account with non-zero figures, it means that we can see the whole movement of account between the years. Follows are tips to solve this problem.
有時我們在盈利報表中含有大量值為 0 的戶口,而我們只想顯示那些有數值的戶口。以下是做到這個效果的技巧。
1. First Copy the header of fields 首先複製欄的名稱。
2. Create the below table – 製作以下列表
3. Select the range need to be filtering – 選取要篩選的範圍
Select data > filter > advanced – 選取數據 > 篩選 > 進階
In Criteria range, select the range created in step 2.
Finished 完成。