發表於 2011-7-29 02:52:42
本帖最後由 MsLittle 於 2011-7-29 02:53 編輯
It is making a sound is good because it means the motor is still working.
It is making an unusual sound is bad it means the disk is not spinning smoothly e.g. the disk head is in contact with the disk.
Like other have already said the harddisk is failing or maybe already failed.
If the data is VERY valuable then STOP and take it to a professional NOW.
If the data is not worth paying a lot of money for or the data itself is confidential and you
want to attempt recovery yourself then read on
Note: The more you start/stop a failing harddisk the worse it gets. So if you decide to go on trying recovery yourself
be aware that you may damage the harddisk so much that even a professional cannot retrieve the date.
1) you must NOT write anything on to the harddisk you are trying to recover.
This means you cannot use it as a BOOTUP (i.e. startup) disk. (Windows WILL writes things to the harddisk on startup/shutdown.
2) you need to be sure whether this is a hardware error or a logical (soft i.e. file corruption).
Funny noise suggest hardware error but you hope it is an intermittent fault
(Total hardware fault could mean your chance of recovery is extremely small.)
3) you need to keep the interface as simple as possible.
This means it will be better if you can connect the harddisk via IDE or SATA interface and not via external USB or firewire IEEE 1394)
Can the computer's BIOS detect the harddisk ?
Have you run a harddisk diagnostic program on the harddisk ?
e.g. Seagate' SEATOOLS for DOS from seagate.com
(You will need at least one Seagate or Maxtor harddisk in your system)
Western Digital has WD Diagnostic
IBM/Hitachi has its own Diagnostic.
Samsung ??
Buffalo ??
(All above disk utils FREE)
I prefer Seagate's Seatools as you can use it to make a BOOTABLE CD.
If the harddisk is detectable under BIOS and the Diagnostic program can detect it then
4) CLONE the harddisk.
This means making a complete copy of the harddisk you want to recovery.
This is best done using a blank harddisk whose size >= than the problem harddisk
Seagate's DISCwizard (Free) has a Disk Cloning option (You need at least one Seagate disk)
You may be able to get a 30 trial version of Acronis disk cloning program.
Norton Ghost (Need to buy) can also perform disk cloning.
( I have written quite a bit; I will pause now. Please reply back if you find it useful and need more