泰國夜店類別: 桑拿
場所名稱: Nataree
是次消費: 2000~2999銖
消費意見 不值一試
返啅指數: 1/10
本帖最後由 globobo 於 2011-4-3 17:26 編輯
SL: 2600 bat normal 2000 bat
I have tried 2 times, one normal and one sl
Both experience are bad, Nataree has a lot of young girls but the training and 家教 are bad,
Nornal girl service is poor, don't wanna let is shot twice, bj technique is poor.
SL girl is very young , around 17 yrs old white girl, same as the normal girl, wanna skip 2nd shot.
I think no matter u have how many young girls training and 家教 are very important. Also, the hardware is very old.
Bad experience, waster my sperm and time! |