yesterday 去左mk 金字頭k場, 邊間唔想講太清楚因為我唔係寫手, 而且我都重係新手, 重要ching 提點.
我一去到媽mi帶左一件我想有40+囡俾我, 我心念今次die hard, 即彈, 再來一個around30age, 5呎7 with high hill not fat and 有ball, face normal 陀北, 玩左 first part around 30 mins, 條女一開始就坐上我到係甘磨我,我當然要返擊啦, she said she were getting wet and want to F with me, but I didn't and keep touching her...... 到左第2part, 想再睇睇所以問媽mi有無再後生o的, and then have a big surprise, 來左個22age陀地唔肥有ball樣似Gem,不過陀地玩法好唔同要慢慢來, 唔同之前o個個一來就係甘攪, 坐左半個鐘媽mi問完先摸得, 我係唔會3, 所以只ask for 2, 全程 wait + talk 玩左aound 2 個鐘, $500 + $200. 如果玩酒店陀地我想唔止lee個價,當然服務and玩法係唔同啦 ... |