到硅谷工作快一年了,还一直没有机会测试一下bay area的escort, 上星期跟朋友vacation, 早回来一天,于是决定check it out. 由于没有同僚介绍,只好在craigslist上找,之前听说上面老女人n多,碰运气呗。找了n久,终于看到一个中意的(本人比较喜欢日韩mm,毕竟中国的回国也能玩),于是打电话过去,可以outcall,不错。
过了半个小时,门铃响了,心里忐忑,心想要是老女人就恶了,thank god. It is real photo!My charity donation finally paid off !!!!!!:). 赶紧开门,mm二话不说,先是一个greeting kiss. Damn Goooooood! She feels kind of classy although dressed dirty. 想让她说几句韩语,结果不会。一问原来是Amarican Borned Korean, even better
Went to the bedroom, she undressed herself first, then me. I grab her boobs. It is fake but doesn't matter. Looking good is enough. Then I take her to the bathroom and take a shower together. Korean girl is so outgoing and easy. I don't have to do anything during the shower. She bent over in the shower and give me BJ. It was really tense but not really that nice. Sp was the ML. She is really hot but not that skilled. I think the SN girls back in china is much better. But the good thing about escort here is you can do anything you want. I recall one saying I saw before, if you get a chinese hooker, you only own her pussy, while if you get an american escort, you own her body.
[ 本帖最後由 candou 於 2010-8-2 10:01 編輯 ] |