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姓名: May May
141網址: http://141macau.com/big5/viewid.php?intGid=383 (she is currently off)
樣貌: 3/5 girl next door type
身材: 3.5/5 a little too rounded
技術: 3/5 bbbj, no dfk, no 69, no digits and definitely no cim more nos than yes
服務: 4/5 the only service is basically bbbj + fs which she does well
過程: The mama san made me travel between 2 hotels. There were only 1 girl available in the 1st hotel she was not mcot so the mama san told me to go the another hotel (Victoria or something like that). It was a much nicer hotel than the 1st. I was told there were 3 available but when I got there May May was the only one available. She was not mcot but I was tired and my little brother was hungry so I stayed. She does have that OL look in person and her skin was very smooth. Service was nothing special, a little H2O bbj in the shower and then some more bbj in bed. We did 2 positions and I finished on top.
I tried her about a month ago and due to my travels I was not able to post this timely. I apologize for her url does not work right now, I put it there anyways because it should work when she returns to Macau.
總結: she is okay but not mcot
上唔上得過(是/否)? yes
返啅指數: 0/10 there are much better choices out there such as Sin Sin (see my other report)
[ 本帖最後由 ram 於 2009-12-8 05:49 編輯 ] |