Model number: XM-X2 (F97)
Code name: Crossbone Gundam X-2 Kai
Unit type: prototype general purpose mobile suit
Manufacturer: Strategic Naval Research Institute
Operator(s): Crossbone Vanguard; Jupiter Empire
First deployment: UC 0133
Accommodation: pilot only, in panoramic monitor/linear seat cockpit in torso
Dimensions: head height 15.9 meters
Weight: empty 9.5 metric tons; max gross 24.8 metric tons
Armor materials: gundarium alloy/ceramic composite
Powerplant: Minovsky type ultracompact fusion reactor, output rated at 5280 kW
Propulsion: rocket thrusters
Performance: maximum thruster acceleration 4.03-4.84 G
Equipment and design features: sensors, range unknown; dummy launchers in hands; special weapons targeting sensor in head, can be deployed over right eye sensor/camera; bio-computer system
Optional equipment: anti-beam coating cloak, mounts on main body; booster, mounts on X-thrusters
Fixed armaments: 2 x vulcan gun, fire-linked, mounted in head; 2 x mega machine cannon, fire-linked, mounted in torso; 2 x beam saber, stored in recharge racks in shoulder armor, hand-carried in use; 4 x heat dagger, stored one in each foot and one in each calf, hand-carried or foot-mounted in use; 2 x scissor anchor, mounted on front skirt armor; 2 x beam shield/brand marker, mounted on forearms
Optional hand armaments: shot lancer with mounted 4-barrel heavy machine gun; buster launcher; buster gun, can be stored on right hip armor; beam zanber, can be stored on left hip armor; zanbuster, combined buster gun/beam zanber
入得x-1, 就要入埋佢!
不過, 佢唔係隊友X-2, 而係後期敵人x-2改! (笨大唔係諗住將X-2出魂限呀....) -_-
有無大大記得呢支炮? 開過兩發, 兩發都對故事發展極大影響!
今次跟埋beam shield! 正!
仲有埋balljoint! 好玩!
上次X-1唔見左既beam marker, 今次補番! yeah!
始終最鐘意把刀仔! 漫畫內亦算極好用武器!
X-2改最大分別在於雙重噴射器! 由於木星技術不足, 大型化後出力只維持SNRI原本水平!
記得呢幕嗎? 一生追求貴族主意既Zabine就此離世! |