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[揾女心得] Meow & Chochet – the love story to be remembered with eternal gratitude









發表於 2008-12-4 23:33:40 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
非常多謝英文台的網友 happygoing 和 tux1...... 將賢兄 Chochet 與 Meow 的愛情故事番譯為英語板本.....我會將此譯本電郵給各相關人仕以示尊重.......再次感謝網友 happygoing 和 tux1 的無私付出他們的私人時間......

Meow & Chochet - 刻骨銘心的愛情故事《1 》
Meow & Chochet – the love story to be remembered with eternal gratitude <1>

當年是1991年11月18曰-當時我是在日資公司工作,剛從日本述職回港, BB機巳響個不停- Macau Friends葡國仔們狂Call我=今晚有Birthday Party在廚屋,但是在1 am後開始(因當年打令Shift更下班時間有10點, 12點, 2點下班)。

It was 1991, Nov. 18th. I worked in a Japanese company, had just transferred to Hong Kong from Japan. My Pager already rang like craze – Macau friends; those Portuguese guys called me non stop – for a birthday party in a restaurant at Macau, though it would take place after 1 AM (back then, Darling’s shift hours were 10PM, 12 AM, 2AM)


Macau’s ferry terminal was crappy, had to walk through dumping road to nearby Mandarin Hotel’s steak house for dinner, because Portuguese friends decided dinner first before party –they called me non stop just because they wanted me to pay the bill. Same old same old every time, but I am OK with it; always happy to do so.

到扒房時巳有4-5件葡仔friends在飲紅酒(小弟至今仍喜好紅酒,就是拜他們所賜),當中還有2件泰囡;一件普通料,一件驚為天人,真使我眼前一亮甚至如今巳隔十多年仍歷歷在目,像是昨晚發生的事般。她名叫阿Meow,樣子勁像混血兒,身材Fit到無法挑剔。巳是穿著很厚的冬天衣服但仍難掩蓋著美好性感身段。還記得是迷你裙加長boots,因剛放映完李察基爾的Pretty Woman電影,通街都是這樣穿著的女人。介紹後便開始聊天,她正是壽星女。

While arrived at steak house, there were already 4-5 Portuguese friends sampling red wine (your humbly today still is fond of red wine, shall attribute to them). Among seated, there were two Thai girls; one just so so, another was stunning, truly made my eyes spark. Even it has been more than 10 years since then, I still remember that moment vividly as if it was yesterday. Her name is Meow, exotic mixed racial look alike, her body so perfect there is nothing left for criticism. She was already wearing thick winter clothes yet that could not prevent showing her beautiful sexy body. I can remember she wore a miniskirt and long boots, because the movie: Pretty Woman had just off screen, women on the street all dressed like that. After introduction, I joined in. And, she was the one whose birthday we celebrated.


Before get to the bottom of my target’s background, I would never show my satyr side, so as to avoid trouble. At that time in Macau, the most detestable being police, they were law enforcement yet also thief. If not careful, the hot sexy girl you aimed at could be a police or related and that would cause you lots of trouble. However, Meow was so stunning, I simply couldn’t resist, and already I started to make my mental calculation as how to have her.


During conversation, I spoke slowly by using most simple Cantonese. Intended I was gentle; soft spoken as well as witty, and I made fun on Portuguese guys in addition to cracked some jokes–Meow laughed so much even had red wine slipped over her dress.

結賬時刻意令她知道是我專程由香港過來請食飯和參加她的生日Party,她臨走時在我的臉輕輕吻了一下,我心內說:這個吻非常貴(文華-現在叫文華東方是當年最豪的酒店, 7-8個人又紅酒又牛扒又金泊魚翅湯,勁貴)。但絕對肯定她對我留下非常深刻印象。


When paying bill, I purposely let her know that I was the one who made such a special trip from Hong Kong to treat this meal and attend her birthday party. On leaving, she gave me a soft peck, I thought : this kiss was very expensive (Mandarin –now Mandarin oriental-was the most luxurious hotel back then, 7-8 people with red wine; steak; shark fin soap, really expensive). But I was quite positive she had profound impression on me.

We then moved on to have more drink at another place, many darling girls there, more than you can count….. Details no longer remember.

1日後call我的葡friends開始查靚女背景,得知她原來是極寸的,來了澳門快到一年,但無養仔,無老公,不受媾;是打令最紅阿姐號碼#110 (相信現在打令還存有她的照片和記錄)。

The next day, I called my Portuguese friends to look into more about Meow. I learned that she was rather virtuous; had been in Macau for almost a year, no sugar daddy, no husband, wouldn’t hook up guys at random. She was number one most popular girl in Darling, tag # 110 (I believe even now Darling still has her pictures and data)


No further consideration necessary, I decided to pursue by storm – set up plan and strike hard, this has always being my style = To be certain about my target, march forward courageously, exercise all possible means for fast outcome, should it past deadline without success, then no hesitation, back down immediately, no second attempt as there is no return to retry.

因為泰囡人在異地,在當年基乎所有在澳門上班的泰囡都互相認識。你如果是饑不擇食, A又媾過, B又媾過,如要食好囡時,誰受你媾?若時間一拖長目標的姐妹之間就會對你評頭品足,明明你是靚過死鬼張國榮,也被你一句,佢一句的挑剔出不好的地方,一傳到目標耳中,愛面子的阿姐還會讓你行近她?

Because Thai girls were in foreign place, almost all Thai working girls knew each other. Should you being a person not choosy, been with A, then also B, when it comes you find a good one, you think she would give you a chance? Supposed you take a long time to pursue, her sisterhood would start all kind remarks about you from head to toe. Provided you are as handsome as Leslie Cheung, you are still against all the fussy, choosy words her friends pick on you. Once the gossip gets to your target, she, as a Thai girl; usually is keen of face-saving, would let you get close?


I knew well Meow had good impression on me, but also knew that, in general Thai girls also are characteristic. So, I opt for my very own scheme; aim at to be able to hold her hands within 2 weeks in front of friends of hers and mine, so as to announce our relationship. This could not be delayed because after two weeks I would be on a business trip.


So, a few days later, on a weekday night, I went to Darling 3 hours before she got off work to look for her. Back then girls inside fish bowl could only see things outside appeared fuzzy, only when we met at cashier she knew it was me.


We got into room, but in that one hour we were full clothed, just sat and chatted. From A to Z all sorts of rubbish topics we chatted, but had good rapport with each other, soon time was up and she saw me off by elevator. I went down stair for some food, checked the timing, after an hour I went up to Darling for her the second time. She was very surprised as never had any man whom she already knew would go to Darling as a paid customer, and only chatted, not to mention twice in 2 hours.


She wondered what I would like to do this time. I told her by saying : I was on my way back to Hong Kong, while at wharf I thought of you from my mind, so unknowingly I came back to see you again. She simply smiled without any comment. There again we chatted for an hour, which again was congenial, with joyful take and laugh, I couldn’t remember what the topics were, most likely about Portuguese guys we both knew. In between, I caught some topics to her favorite, made her laugh lively. Soon time was up again, while seeing me off by the elevator she asked when I would come back to see her?  What’s my pager’s number ? I told her my pager was out of order, so I got hers. I also told her just find the Portuguese guy named Petro whom we both knew, she could find me then.

過了兩天我問葡仔Petro她有沒有問有關我的事,可惜答沒有。我知道革命還需努力,知道她大姨媽沒上班,便買了一個LV袋帶到馬交,約她在皇都聽歌,她看見LV袋時非常高興, 1點鐘後轉到環球再擘。

Few days passed, I asked Petro if she had called to ask about me , regretfully the answer was no. I knew more efforts were in order. Aware of she was having her period thus not working, I purchased a LV bag, went to Macau, and invited her for a singing performance at Hotel Royal, she was very happy when seeing the LV bag, After 1 AM, we moved to Hotel Universal to continue our date.

We already had good rapport with each other earlier at Darling, more relax this time, endless topics floated, she was so beautiful with a figure so hot, and I had some alcohol- I can’t help but touched her, in the meanwhile a Portugal man next to us actually came over and got his hand under Meow’s dress, this happened often in those days’ bar (I doubt that guy was an off duty police, making use of opportunity to harass working girls)


Surely I had to defend my lady, I got hit, had a bleeding nose. Portuguese jerk was taken away by some others. And I and Meow went back to her apartment which located nearby Avenida do Conselheiro Ferrira de Almeida (in this street, there was one cross-over bridge, beneath there was one small Thai store named Waldo, each time I visited Macau I always made a stop on that bridge, just to reminisce )




It was already dawn when we got to her apartment, she cleaned up the blood I had and gave me a light kiss. I recalled that I made a joke by saying: Your birthday again? Last time you pecked on me was last week at Mandarin. She laughed with joy, hugging my body she wet kissed me – Insensibly as things floated we proceed to make love, against the red code; without rubber, had it twice.

Ever since, I was free to come in and out not only her apartment but also her body.

So much of my ‘gratitude’ to that Portuguese jerk, his one punch somehow I shall considered as an aid that, within one week I conquered Darling’s most popular girl under my belt.

感謝網友 happygoing 和 tux1 的無私付出他們的私人時間

[ 本帖最後由 sawatdee 於 2008-12-5 00:59 編輯 ]








 樓主| 發表於 2008-12-4 23:34:59 | 顯示全部樓層
Meow & Chochet - 刻骨銘心的愛情故事《2》
Meow & Chochet – the love story to be remembered with eternal gratitude <2>


She went to work at darling everyday, and I was on business travel in Seoul. I got back to her apartment in midnight, no body at home as she was working. Thought I should let her know that I would pick her up after her work, so I paged her- I waited for a long while with no response(usually she was quick on getting back to me), somehow worried if anything happened, I called Darling to look for her and was informed she was with customer. An inexplicable pain occurred; I started to contemplate on getting her to quit work.


The place she lived though not big in size, it was neat (both of us are neat person), with simple set up and had two rooms. One for Meow, the other occupied by one of Meow’s sisterhood named AiDo (who also was exceptional on look and figure at only 18 years old, she also worked at Darling –she had a 19 years old Portugal guy with her)


Through the course of time we were together until to the end, she had not asked for anything, nor gift in any form, being it money or actual present. I knew she loved having steak and porridge of rice; But steak can’t taken out, so I got  porridge of rice and fried dough sticks before I went to Darling’s ground floor waiting for her got off work. She smiling walk up to my side, we then held hands walking off to the shore at wharf. Sitting there we enjoy our snack. I had been away on business for almost a month not been able to see her, when seeing her again, I always felt she had become even more charming than ever.

Men indeed strange, ordinary decent women not matter how pretty, you would feel they are just flat. Working girls, on the other hand, possess a fabulous allure hard to resist. She loves to watch the sea, in our spare time, we would prepared roast pork rib; red wine, off we went to watch the sea (Yaohan did not exist at that time, from Darling walking toward the old wharf there was one good spot we could sat down enjoying meal; watching the sea, and kissing each other.


She said the happiest moment was to have a drink and watch the sea with me. She said that her wish was to have her cremains cast over the sea. I joked that I would became a lecherous ghost follows behind her 24 hours a day, even when she is having a bowel movement I would still follow - Since then, I got my nickname as “smelling man”.


We often went to the disco in Universal Hotel to have fun, party with many Thai girls, Portugal and French men, and French girls (Back then the Macau water authority was a joint corporation of the Macau government and a French company, so after Portuguese, French came as the second most foreigners resided in Macau)


When unoccupied, she taught me how to speak Thai (at that time, I had never step on to Thailand, but capable of using simple Thai to communicate with her sisterhood), which made her felt dignified in front of her friends. Because my childhood was spent abroad that I learned to take care of myself, so I am good at needlework and cooking, she knew nothing about both. So she became my student on these regards. When she had days off to stay at home due to her period, we would went to market to get seafood and vegetables, and let her cook whatever she liked per her ‘free style’, I only offered my opinion and sampled it, though always it was distasteful.


She was introvert, and cool, but also rather tough, therefore she did not have many close friends at work. However at Darling there was one manager really took good care of her (supposedly I shall say he wanted to date her)

她極喜歡香水,我也是,所以屋內到處都是名牌香水(大部份都是她客人送的) --泰囡很懂得世界上的一切名牌,尤其是分辯真假冒牌的高手,各弟兄千萬不要送流料給泰囡,後果自負。

She very much loved perfume, so did I, so inside her apartment there were perfumes everywhere (most came as gifts from customers) – Thai girls are good at knowing all the famous brands in the world, particular at telling real items from fake ones. To my all dear brothers out there, do not try to give Thai girls imitative goods, otherwise you take the consequence.

我在房內對正枕頭的天花貼了些螢光的英文字:If Loving You Is Wrong, I Don't Want To Be Right.每當我們躺在床上把燈關掉時,螢光字便清楚顯現。每次臨睡關燈時我都邊摟著她,邊指著螢光字說:"我的心"。她總是用泰音廣東話說:"講大話",然後打車輪。

In her room, on the ceiling right up facing the pillow, I stuck on some fluorescent words: If Loving You Is Wrong, I Don't Want To Be Right. Each time, when lying on bed with lights off, those fluorescent words then became visible clearly. Always, before we went to sleep, while holding her I would point my fingers to those words and said: “My heart”. She would always say in her Thai-ish Cantonese:“ Brag”, then we would start kissing each other.


Many times, if she was home, calls from her customers would transfer to her apartment, The last thing I could get used to was she, while laying by my side, flirted with customers – sometimes even booked appointments as to when customers would go to Darling to see her. Each time it happened, I would get up and walked to living room watching TV or chatted with others in neighboring room.


She finally could not put up with my behavior, into living room she asked, in a severe matter, loudly in Thai-ish Cantonese: Why not speak out, make it clear, if you are not happy? I responded in pure Cantonese : I won’t intervene what you about to do, when I am with you, you flirt with other men, even make dates on when to have meal together, I simply can’t find a reason I shall be happy. But when I did the same, you can’t blame me. “FINE, she replied, spoke in unequivocal terms loudly; walked back to her room, she shut the door really hard, I could even hear that she locked the door.
我沒理啋她仍靜靜的獨自坐在客廳中看電視,10多20分鐘後,她悄悄從房裏出來手拿著些我最害怕的工具- -清除臉上粉刺,黑頭的像耳挖的金屬物體,很溫柔的在我耳邊說要替我清潔。我斜著眼盯她好一會,突然她抱著我臉擠壓在她胸前,跟我柔聲說:SORRY。。。就打從這時開始每當我在時,她便把BB機關掉,電話線也拔走。

I left her along, and quietly I sat in living room to watch TV, 10 to 20 minutes passed, without been noticed, she merged from her room, holding in her hand a tool I scared most-the metal bar used for cleaning acne. Very softly she went up to my ear saying she wanted to make the cleaning for me. Squint my eyes I stared at her for a good while, suddenly she pulled my fact to her chest, mildly she said: SORRY…. Since that day on, as long as I was in my presence, she would turned off her pager, so did the phone line unplugged.


She smoked heavily and I was non smoker, I asked her to quit, but she argued that it was boring at work and it was boring at home. That it was better to smoke than hooking up with guys, drinking and gambling. Racking my brains I figured out a cheap, practical and healthy way to take up her free time, went through much trouble I got some Thai version knitting books sent from Thailand - from then on, even though she did not quit smoking, she evidently smoked less heavily because she had no more spare time to smoke.


It is hard to image Thai girls knit sweaters –Thailand is hot all year around, what for to knit?  Of course it’s not for themselves, but for others. Weird it became a trend girls in fish bowl were all knitting sweaters…. ha ha.

I believe brothers here who are rather senior would have seen such a sight of wonder that Thai girls knitted sweaters at Darling

We spent Chinese New Year together in Macau, our relationship progressed better and better, to the extend that she would tell me how and what in details the deed between her and customers.(I could not understand why, until the day before she was about to pass away in Bangkok, she told me the reason- in next section, my trip to Thailand, I will explain). I endured pain hidden in my mind, still often I accompanied her to work, or picked her up after her shift. I would rush back to Hong Kong for my own work while she was working. That got me often into quarreling with my then Japanese supervisor.


She loved to watch movies, the last one we attended in Macau was ‘Fight back to School” by Stephen Chow and Athena Chu,-- at cinema centre located next to Sao Francisco Garden, I remember there’s a scene Chow and Chu tried their first kiss, we mimicked what’s on screen, kissed and fondled each other in darkness.


Staring from April, the weather was getting hot, there was once we went to watch the sea at Areia Preta, she joked that when summer came she wanted to swim naked with me there, there was no need to spend money on swimming wear, so as to draw all Macau’s lechers to Areia Preta …… hahaha…, sadly she had not set foot on Areia Preta  again for the rest of her life.


In April, Macau had rained for more than one week, streets were heavily flooded. One day, while in Hong Kong, news reported that in Macau, carried by the flood, a vehicle was washed away from Guia Hotel and hit into Avenida do Conselheiro Ferrira de Almeida street, many got hurt; some were Thai girls. Putting my work aside, I rushed to the spot in Macau. I saw, under the cross over bridge, there were many people standing in flood which was up to their knees, people did not want to get wet, hence all were standing still. And the entrance to the building where her apartment was located happened to be seriously immersed in flood. Once she saw me showing up across the street, she recklessly dashed through the flood, throwing herself onto me, all wet I was; still she held me all tight. For the first time I truly felt the sense – She needs me.


Not long after that, one morning I got to her apartment, she was just off work and was sleeping, I took off clothes, got under bed sheet, and found she wear no underwear, mistakenly I thought she was waiting for me …… so I started to feel her up, she shouted out in pain. I questioned a long while she then revealed, that last night there was one Taiwanese customer whom Darling arranged her to stay overnight at Hotel Royal.


It was at hotel Meow realized that this man had many beads embedded in his penis, presumably also took long lasting compounds, and he was very rude. None stop Meow was tortured for hours. Her left breast was reddish; blackish all over, and it’s swollen down her private. I carefully checked and applied some medication for her, then let her sleep. I went outside to be along in living room, wondered to myself questioning how I could let my beloved woman doing a job of such kind.

感謝網友 happygoing 和 tux1 的無私付出他們的私人時間

[ 本帖最後由 sawatdee 於 2008-12-5 01:01 編輯 ]
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 樓主| 發表於 2008-12-4 23:36:35 | 顯示全部樓層
越想越心痛,越恨自己無出色,  眼淚脫眶而出口水鼻涕一齊不受控掣全都爆了出來,她原來也沒有睡著並站在門後看見我的一切,她哭著撲入我懷裏輕輕在我耳邊說了句英語"I'm sorry"。

The more I thought, the more I hated myself being such an useless man, tear, spit, snot all bursting out of control. Meow, turned not, had not fall into sleep but stood by door-step of her room, witness all my behaviors. Crying she throw herself onto me, by my ear she softly said in English “I’m sorry”

雖然過了差不多15年了,但當其時的情景我到現在都還清楚記得。就打從這天起,她不上班了(當年Darling控掣囡囡非常嚴格,遲到早退罰錢,不上班罰最重,每日罰最少MOP1000 )。如是者過了1個月,想想number one紅牌阿姐不上班,又不交罰款,打令會怎樣反應。打令其中一個股東是當時的高級司警,惡夢開始了。

Even it has been 15 years, today I still remember every second of that moment. From that day on, Meow no long went to work (In those days, Darling controlled the girls strictly, late to work or early off work got fine. Most heavy fine was not go to work, at least 1000 MOP) As such, one month past, just image how Darling will react when their number one most popular girl did not show up to work, nor hand over fine. One of Darling’s shareholders was a high rank police officer, the nightmare had about to come.


Though in that month, our affection grew more and more, that lead to the pain been more profound when we were forced to separate.

Chinese poem :
[Skip translation per suggestion, so as not to mislead readers]


One day, a Thai girl came to her apartment with Macau daily news, panic she showed Meow the news. It turned out that Darling had report to immigration and custom offices her missing. Police already put her on bulletin as a fugitive to be brought in (on newspaper, two Thailand girls were listed missing, one from Darling, one from Love capital, but pictures and names were switched)

當年司警是極度黑暗的,經商議後,要我馬上回港向泰國領使館求助。當我剛在達香港碼頭上岸便收到BB機留言說司警剛到了家帶了她到位於崗頂的警局。我馬上又回澳門直到警局  --  我在內有認識的葡仔(這是平常和他們混的好處),有了他們幫忙,Meow在晚上被放走,但限令在12小時內被遞戒出境,5年內不得回澳門。這就是她突然失蹤之謎。

Police was shady back then. After discussion, she wanted me to go back to Hong Kong immediately to seek for assistance from Thailand consular. The moment I just got on shore at Hong Kong, there was message already in my pager saying that police had gone to her apartment and she was taken to police station at St. Augustine’s Square. So I rushed back to Macau, - I knew some Portuguese in that department (an advantage of hanging out with them in ordinary days). With their helps, Meow was released that night, but got a restricted order to be departed within 12 hours, with penalty prohibiting her re-entry Macau for 5 years. This was the reason she suddenly vanished from Macau.


We were awake whole night, not even much talk. She wanted to make love with me, the last one in Macau. I swear, even to the end of my life I would never forget this very minute. Afterward, she curl in my arms crying sorrowfully, every time I recall, I felt deeply grieved that’s simply immeasurable.


Chinese poem :
[Skip translation per suggestion, so as not to mislead readers]

天漸漸亮,門鐘響起,移民局派來遞戒她的人到了,我們便一起回香港然後到啟德機場-由荷蘭園家裏到啟德機場禁區入口,我們都十指緊扣沒有一秒鐘鬆開過。很奇怪相處數月,我們從來沒有向對方講過一次"I LOVE YOU",但好像一切都是盡在不言中。

The sky getting brighter and brighter, door bell rang, there the immigration personnel who to escort her departure arrived, we then together went to Hong Kong, then Kai Tak Airport. From her home at Macau all the way to the entrance to Airport’s restriction area where I can’t step in, we hold our hands tightly without one second to let go. So strange we had been together for months, yet had not once said to another“ I LOVE YOU”, but it seems not necessary, all in our soul and hearts.

目送她走了。我要馬上回復努力工作。。。。。她回泰國後,她的房間還有3個多月可以住( 3個月的按金不能退),我又不想租給別人,每當週末時便來過夜,很多時在半夜裡她會從曼谷打電話回房內和我聊天,說說近況。

After seeing her off, I got back to work hard on my job…….. After her return to Thailand, her room still had three months left before renewal (no refund for the remaining 3 months). And, I did not want to have it sublet by others, so I would stay there over weekend, many times she would call from Bangkok in midnight to chat up with me.


Sometimes we talked about those days we went to watch the sea at shore, I could hear her weep slightly over the phone.


[Chinese poem: skip per suggestion, so as not to mislead readers]. It was when I was in her room that I really comprehend the feeling in the mind of the person who wrote this poem.

我躺在床上,彷彿枕被還殘留著她的點點氣味,把燈關上看著我自己在天花所貼的螢光字便更加想她。我更加傻的是買了一瓶她最喜歡的香水Christian Dior Poison在房內到處噴,夢想她還在。

I would lie on bed, as if there were still some smell of hers existed on pillow and bed sheet. Turn off light I watched those fluorescent words in the ceiling, made me thought of her even more. Silly I was that I even bought her favorite perfume Christian Dior Poison and sprayed it all over the room, pretending she was still there in Macau with me.

有一週末晚上,她告訴我,她在曼谷向佛佗許了願要再和我一起,她巳立誓終生不吃牛肉來換取願望的實現。一個這樣喜愛吃牛扒的人,甘心為了再和我一起過日子寧願立誓終生不再吃牛肉使我十分感動,  我內心想著我怎樣都不能負她。

On a weekend night, she told me she made a wish in one Bangkok’s temple, vow to God, that in order to be with me, she would never eat beef for the rest of her life, in exchange for her wish to be realized. A person who so loves to taste steak, so willingly to give it up, so as to be able to be with me again, this touched my heart profoundly. I reminded myself I shall never let her down no matter what.



In October of year 1992, I went to work for a bigger American own company. Before got on my new job, I had one whole month free, so with joy I planned my trip to Thailand. Of course I notified her in advance to have her pick me up at Bangkok airport

We had separated for 5 months, you can image what frame of mind I was in………

感謝網友 happygoing 和 tux1 的無私付出他們的私人時間

[ 本帖最後由 sawatdee 於 2008-12-5 01:02 編輯 ]
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 樓主| 發表於 2008-12-4 23:37:22 | 顯示全部樓層
Meow & Chochet - 刻骨銘心的愛情故事《3》
Meow & Chochet – the love story to be remembered with eternal gratitude <3>

泰國,曼谷1992年的11月天氣十分好,不太熱但陽光普照,這是我第一次到泰國,人生路不熟,又加上在不久前這國度剛發生了多年來首次的流血政變,使我一下飛機便有些不安。我一直盼望著Meow來接我,我等了很久很久,不等又不成,我根本沒有訂酒店--應該是住在她家袌想著好像巳往在澳門時的生活。失望地正想到接機大堂的酒店Counter訂房,突然有個不男不女打扮的Tomboy手拿著我的照片用英語告訴我她名叫"光仔"是Meow的親妹妹,但要我自己訂酒店。我問:Why ?她說今晚就知道。

The weather was very good during November of 1992 in Bangkok, Thailand. Not too hot, but plenty of sunshine. It was the first time I went to Thailand so I was not familiar with the place. And in addition its first bloodied coup in many years just happened recently; it made me feel uncomfortable when I got off the plane. I was longing for Meow to come to pick me up. I waited for a long while to no avail. I had no choice but keep waiting as I did not book a hotel … I thought I should have been staying at her home and I was thinking about my life in Macau before. I was very disappointed, and was about to go to an airport hotel counter to book a room, when suddenly a tomboy holding a photo of mine came over and told me her name was “Kwong”, and she was Meow’s true sister. She told me I had to book hotel myself. I asked “why?” and she said I would know why that night.

我入住Aroma酒店,是位於從前World Trade Center (現今的Central Plaza對面),即四面佛的對面馬路,是3-4星級但OK.

I checked into in the Aroma hotel which used to be the “World Trade Center” (opposite today’s Central Plaza), i.e. Opposite to the “Four Faces Buddha”. It was a 3 / 4 star hotel and it was ok.

在當年差不多7-8成在澳門打令上班的泰囡都是從曼谷一個非常著名的酒吧區來的。我就在當晚11時許被光仔帶到這裏的一間非常擠擁的酒吧,有很多泰囡穿著非常性感的舞衣在酒吧正中高高的舞台上跳著A GOGO舞,還沒坐定就有一中年泰婦名叫Pim過來從頭到腳仔細地打量我很久,用很難聽的泰式英語問明我的名字後便走了,隔了一會,她又再回來還帶了一位很漂亮性感,只穿著很少布的比堅尼女郎坐在我旁邊,她叫阿Fon。她是中泰混血兒而且她的美和Meow是完全不同類別但又有另一番的味道。

In those years, almost 70 – 80% of Thai girls working in Macau all came from a very famous pub district in Bangkok. That night at around 11pm, I was brought over to a very crowded bar in that district. There were many Thai girls dressed in very sexy dancing costumes dancing A Gogo on the stages in the bar. Before I could settle down, a middle age woman named Pim came over and looked over me for a very long time. She asked for my name in very bad Thai English and then left. After a while, she came back and also brought along a girl to sit next to me. She was very pretty, sexy and dressed in a very skimpy bikini. Her name was Fon. She was a Chinese-Thai mix. Her beauty was completely different from that of Meow and had another kind of taste.

正當舞台上囡囡下台換班時,剛才被跳舞的囡囡隔著對面的視線,現在看清在舞台對面坐著有個50多歲的中年香港男人擁著一個戴著Cap帽的女人喝酒,是阿 Meow,她目不轉睛地看著我,跳舞的囡囡又回到舞台上,又再阻隔著我的視線,我正想過去她那邊時,坐在我身旁的Fon突然摟著我-輕聲的說:Go into the changing room。

Right now, the dancers on the stage were changing shifts and I could now see the other side of the stage whose view was initially blocked. I could now clearly see that there was a 50old Hong Kong man drinking hugging a girl wearing a cap. That girl was Meow. She stared fixed at me. Then the dancing girls returned to the stage and blocked my view. I was about to get up and go to that side when Fon held on to me and said softly “Go into the changing room”.

所謂的changing room只是間斗室3面都是一格格和貯物柜是供囡囡們更衣和貯物用的房間,我一進房Meow早巳在裏面等著,甚麼話都來不及說便相擁得很緊很緊濕吻了很長很長時間。沒有見面達5個多月,她一點都沒有改變還是那樣性感迷人,當時的感覺我還清楚記得,我心想著苦心安排了5個月的時間沒有浪費,全是為了今晚,我要帶她回香港。。。。我們還是相擁得很緊我輕聲說:我們明天一起回香港!

The so called “changing room” was just a small room whereby the 3 sides of the room were partitions and lockers used by the girls to change and store their belongings. As soon as I entered the room, Meow was already in there waiting for me. We didn’t say a thing and jumped into each other and kissed long and wet. We had not seen each other for more than 5 months and nothing had changed, she was as pretty and sexy as before. I still remembered very clearly the feeling and thought that all the efforts for the 5 months to arrange for that moment of the night were all worthwhile. I wanted to bring her back to Hong Kong. We were still holding tightly together when I said softly: “we will return together to Hong Kong tomorrow!”

她看著我的臉說:是的,明天就走,但不能與你,是和坐在身旁的中年香港男人。。。。當時是Sunday 1992年11日1日

She looked at me and said: “yes, will go tomorrow, but not with you, will be with that middle age Hong Kong man who was sitting with me” ……..That was Sunday, November 1, 1992.


She said she would stay in Hong Kong for a few days then return, and she asked me to wait for her in Bangkok. She had arranged everything and wanted me to check out of the hotel right away and moved into the home of Fon and her. She explained that hotels were expensive and it would be difficult for her to go in and out. (Thai girls were very reluctant to go in and out of hotels in Thailand)


She also said that it was not convenient to speak for now and should talk when she returned from Hong Kong. She didn’t want to say too much for the moment but would tell me everything then. She was already leaving when she was speaking, but I grepped her hand and pulled her back and asked: “Do you still love me?” I could see clearly that there were tears in her eyes when she heard it, but she didn’t cry and gave me a deep kiss before she turned around and left. From the day I knew her she had never been thrifty in giving me hot and wet kisses, and I often thought to myself that as she likes kissing so much whether she gave the same kind of kisses to other men? But I had never had the courage to ask her.

從那Changing room出來,不知道是我心理上,還是那中年男人是否對我有興趣,感覺上他好像老是盯著我。

Since I came out of the changing room, not certain if it was just my feeling or that middle age man really was interested in me, I kept feeling that he was staring at me all the time.

Meow跟Fon講了些泰話,Fon當即換衣服和我回酒店退房後回到她住的地方--去租的小公寓,內有個超小的客廳,兩房間,其中一個上了鎖,另一間是 Fon的。明顯上了鎖的是Meow的房間。這時天快亮了,我也累得要命。洗澡後,Fon跟我說Meow要我今晚和她睡-房裏只有一張床!!!我縱使有一千個疑問,但無從問,她只回答:咪Lu Ka (不知道)

Meow had a few Thai words with Fon. Then Fon immediately changed her clothes and went with me to check out from my hotel, and then we went to where she lived – a little rented apartment. There were a very small living room and 2 bedrooms. One of the bedrooms was locked while the other was Fon’s room. The locked room was obviously Meow’s room. Now it was almost morning and I was very tired. After taking my shower, Fon told me that Meow wanted me to sleep in Fon’s room, and there was only one bed in her bedroom! Though I had a thousand questions, I could not ask. All she said was “No Lu Ka” (I don’t know).


Why would they be so generous to me? Fon was actually pretty good with pretty look and good figure. The strangest thing was that, her door was opened even though the air conditioning was on!

當睡得正濃時,Fon像八爪魚般纏抱著我來睡,而且她的身體不斷的擠壓磨擦我、、、、男人的自然反應強烈的表現了出來,我強控著體內的咸濕基因,在未弄清楚事由,決不會造次。到天亮了,那中年男人和Meow回來收拾行履預備飛香港。他看見我們睡在一起便微笑著替我們關上房門。。。。。。。我的心像停了一樣,不到5分鐘Meow突然獨個兒入來房間雙手撫著我的臉很溫柔地對我說:對唔住,你,,,你等我回來。然後擁抱著我一輪茄輪後留下她房間鎖鑰,跟Fon 講了些泰話沖沖的和那男人走了(這個情景,我想到自己謝世的一天都不會忘記)。我如夢初醒,這時才明白我是在扮演著Fon的男友,難得Fon又這樣大方益我--那中年男人估計是Meow的新老細。

I was still fast asleep when Fon came all over me like an octopus and her body kept pressing and squeezing me …. Man’s natural reaction was coming up very strongly, but I tried hard to suppress my animal instinct. I would not do anything before I could find out exactly what was happening. When daylight came, the middle age man and Meow came back to pack up for flight to Hong Kong. He saw that we were sleeping together and smiled lightly and helped to close the door ….. I felt that my heart had stopped beating. Then within 5 minutes, Meow suddenly came in alone. She held my face gently in her hands and said to me: “Sorry, you ….. you wait for me”. Then she hugged and kissed me hard, then left her room keys. She then had a few words in Thai with Fon and then rushed out with that man (I think I would not forget that scene even when I die). I suddenly realized that I was pretending to be Fon’s boyfriend, and somehow Fon also let me benefit so gracefully ….. I guess that middle age man was Meow’s new boss.

在酒吧的中年泰婦Pim是曼谷酒吧街內的大姐大,手下有大約200囡囡跟她。她有4大王牌:Meow, Fon, Plu, Joy。

The middle age Thai lady in the bar was the “Head Mistress” in the Thai Bar district. She had about 200 girls under her control and her 4 trump cards were: Meow, Fon, Plu, Joy.

Meow (1/3法泰血統)和Fon (中泰混血)最初在澳門Fon和Meow同在NC吉百利上班,後來一起轉到打令,Meow認識我數天後Fon回曼谷,Plu (純泰)和Joy (希臘泰混血)則留在曼谷。她們4個美女都各有特式而且都是有出眾的美貌和身段。Meow私底下和Plu最投,但Plu巳有了個美國男友半同居(數年前巳結婚,生了兩個女兒,現定居曼谷豪宅區), Joy也有一香港男友(Joy的故事更淒美動人),但與我和Meow無關所以不會提及。

Meow (1/3 French Thai mixed) and Fon (Chinese Thai mixed). When they started in Macau, Fon and Meow were both working at NC Cadbury. Then they both changed to Darling. A few days after Meow got to know me, Fon returned to Bangkok, Plu (Pure Thai) and Joy (Greek Thai mixed) stayed in Bangkok. Each of the 4 girls has their own special attractiveness, but all have outstanding looks and figures. Privately, Meow and Plu were best friends. Plu already had an American boyfriend and they were kind of lived together (they got married a few years ago, had 2 daughters, and are now living at the expensive mansion district in Bangkok). Joy also had a Hong Kong boyfriend (Joy’s story is even more touching), but since they both do not involve between me and Meow I will not write about them.

感謝網友 happygoing 和 tux1 的無私付出他們的私人時間

[ 本帖最後由 sawatdee 於 2008-12-5 01:03 編輯 ]
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 樓主| 發表於 2008-12-4 23:38:36 | 顯示全部樓層

Meow and Fon were not the best of friends, but as there were no other alternatives; Meow had to ask Fon to help to act. So there was no need for Fon to hold on being modest. Fon told me that she original did not agree to help, but when she saw me at the bar, she changed her mind. I was definitely a “biologically normal” person but I might be too tired, or my “sexual urge” was driving, I should have gone to Meow’s room to sleep after I got the keys, but I stayed lying on Fon’s bed, just like my body not being controlled by my brain. I still remembered Fon’s hot and juicy body. My instinct told me that she was interested in me, and she was still holding onto me, part sleeping and part telling me all that had happened to Meow before she went back to Bangkok.


“Every bit of life is uncontrollable by yourself” …. There is a story to every woman who works in places serving men.


Meow’s family was very complicated; she had one elder brother, one younger brother and a younger sister. His elder brother (1/3 French Thai mixed) had disappeared leaving behind 2 young children. The younger brother (Chinese Thai mixed) took drugs, and the younger sister (Chinese French Thai mixed) was a Tomboy. Her mother (French and Thai mixed) was a compulsive gambler and was stuck with a huge gambling debt. Meow was responsible for all the family expenses as well as the repayments to the gambling debts. After she returned to Bangkok, she had already repaid part of her mother’s gambling debt, but the remaining amount was still too large. There were still people who kept going to their home to dun for debt. May be because she didn’t want me to misunderstand, she never mentioned this to me.

在我到曼谷前3個月通過Pim安排,一個中年(大概50 - 52歲)住在曼谷姓章的香港富商看中Meow便開列條件包養她:
1) 替Meow媽媽清還所有現時欠債,還每月付一定的生活費
3) 替Meow媽媽月供20年期的小房子

3 months before I went to Bangkok, through Pim’s arrangement, a middle aged (around 50-52 years old) rich Hong Kong man living in Bangkok started interest in Meow and presented term of conditions to “own” her:
1)        Helped Meow’s mother to pay off all her gambling debt, and paid then monthly living expenses
2)        Paid Meow a substantial amount to “own” her
3)        Paid the monthly mortgage payment for Meow’s mother house for 20 years


Because of the growing gambling debts, two days before I arrived at Bangkok, Meow had no choice, but to accept the middle age man (“Cheung”)’s terms. The original arrangement was that I would go to Bangkok to visit Meow’s parents and then go back to Hong Kong with her, but unfortunately I arrived late by 2 days. Fon also said that that man had been chasing Meow for several months, but Meow never liked him. However, there were no other ways for Meow to solve the problem.


I kept blaming myself for not giving Meow any kind of tangible support throughout the last few months. Her whole family needed to live on – how could they have survived?

我在Fon家裏苦悶地天天閒著,甚麼都不想做。3天後中午Meow一個人從香港回來,我到機場接她。在那年頭的曼谷從機場到家最少2小時,但我們在的士內沒有說話,她只是牢牢地牽著我的手,間中還吻我的手背--我心想她心內一定是有虧于我或真是想我很多。回到家裏她突然摟著我深深的濕吻,然後瘋狂地互相愛撫和造應造的事直至第2天的下午。肚子餓得要命但始終都敵不過體內的咸濕基因,再造。。。。。晚上便到Pim的酒吧玩到差不多天亮才回家睡覺。過了2-3 天(記不清楚了)姓章的回來了。如是者他在時,我住在Fon那邊,他不在曼谷時,便是我倆的相聚時間了。。。。。

Everyday I was alone and bored at Fon’s home and not doing anything. Three days later, at noon time, Meow returned alone from Hong Kong. I went to the airport to pick her up. In those days, it took at least 2 hours to get home from the airport. We didn’t talk in the taxi, she just held my hand tightly and occasionally she would kiss the back of my hand – I thought she must had done things that were not faithful to me or she might really have been thinking about me badly. When we arrived home, she suddenly hugged me and gave me a deep wet kiss, and then we started to fonder each other wildly and did what we loved to do until the following afternoon. Even though I was starving then, I could not stop the sexual instinct in my body and we continued to make love … Until night time came, we went to Pim’s bar and enjoyed there until the following morning when we then returned home to sleep. After 2 to 3 days (could not remember) “Cheung” returned. And so this went on – if he was around I would stay with Fon, when he was not in Bangkok, that was our (Meow and my) time together…..


It was like a blink of an eye that my holiday had less than one week left. There was nothing more to worry about so she made up excuses to come to see me everyday and examined with me the in details the human body physiological structures and its posing applications. I would be leaving very soon, “When will it the day we meet again, make it now a night hard to endure”. During our trip to the airport, our 2 pairs of lips were just stuck together. I still remember that although her eyes were all red, but she being her strong self, she never cried --- but tears were flowing in my heart. She held onto me and asked me softly in my ears: will you wait for me?


I did not answer, but I held her very tightly in my arms and killed her deeply. From that day onwards, I would go there (Bangkok) almost every weekend. It was very strange, and not sure the reason, ever since I started seeing her again and keeping our relationship, I was like an electrical appliance being fit with a fresh new battery with unlimited energy and strength. Very quickly I was promoted to senior because of my performance.

感謝網友 happygoing 和 tux1 的無私付出他們的私人時間

[ 本帖最後由 sawatdee 於 2008-12-5 01:05 編輯 ]
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 樓主| 發表於 2008-12-4 23:39:08 | 顯示全部樓層
姓章的中年人要常常往返香港,歐洲和曼谷辦事,我倆便都極珍惜那機會,有一天他有急事要到威尼斯公幹但要Meow一起去陪他,而Meow沒有簽証不能去,他等不了便先行去了。Meow拿著邀請信在曼谷申請臣根VISA,然後到意大利找他(當年泰國護照必須要在簽發地的意大利領使館申請需時一星期),我們只有一星期的時間的空檔,我也馬上申請假期--有幸獲准,所以不能浪費,馬上飛到曼谷--我是跟香港大關旅行社買機票,通常都是一口氣買6套一年期限的 Gulf Air來往HK-BKK-HK的頭等票,因時間非常配合我;晚機去早機返而且除開6套票每套只是HK$2500.以頭等計則相當化算。

“Cheung” often needed to travel between Hong Kong, Europe and Bangkok on business. We would treasure all these opportunities. One day, he needed to go on an urgent business trip to Venus and she wanted Meow to go with him. But Meow did not have a visa so could not go. He did not wait for her and left. Meow applied for the travel Visa in Bangkok with her invitation letter, then went to Italy to look for him (In those days, a person carrying a Thai passport must apply a Visa to Italy at the place of issue of the passport, and the application would take 1 week). We had only a week’s free time. I immediately applied for a vacation … and luckily was approved. This surely must not be wasted so I immediately flew to Bangkok – I bought my air ticket from the then “Hong Kong Great Gate Travel Agency” and usually I would buy 6 sets of Gulf Air first class round trip tickets of HK – BKK – HK (tickets have 1 year limit). I bought those because the flight times suit me well – departure at night time and return in morning, and for a first class ticket, cost of each set was HK$2500 which was very reasonable.


“Cheung” bought a newly built luxury mansion at Bangkok City Center – It was very much like those in Hong Kong, with a usable area of over 3000 square feet with very luxurious decorations. It was used to keep Meow as mistress. The two maids were brought in by Meow. Slowly when “Cheung” was not around I became the house master. Of course I knew what to do so I always tipped them well.

姓章的生怕Meow寂寞,在家中有大投映電視,家庭影院,唱K房,按摩房,TV Game,HiFi房(他是發燒友和我一樣)。。。。想也想不到我堂堂公子竟不知不覺間作了姦夫,只可嘆句天意弄人,和姓章的中年人像極了3P輪班當 Meow的老公。我每次到曼谷都不住酒店因不方便,我通常都住在Fon家裹Meow的房間;Meow雖然巳搬走但仍每月都交租。難得Fon出奇的歡迎我,很多時我在家中納悶,Fon也不上班陪我劈酒聊天。我也非常樂意奉陪,因Fon在家中穿得很少很少,誘人身段呼之欲出。我的"多情薄倖男"混號並非浪得虛名,但風流絕不下流。雖然Fon很吸引但始終也沒有遷越雷池半步,現時的她仍和我保持著要好朋友關係。

“Cheung” must be worried that Meow would be bored so the house had large plasma TV, Home AV appliances, Karaoke room, massage room, TV game and Hi Fi room (He was a Hi-Fi fan just liked me) …. I could not imagine that a dignified gentleman like me unknowingly became an adultere. I could only say “fate always played against people”. I and “Cheung” were so much like Meow’s husband “on shift”. Every time when I went to Bangkok, I no longer stayed in hotel as it became too inconvenient. I would just stay in Meow’s room at Fon’s home. Although Meow had already moved out, she was still paying rent. Fortunately, I was surprisingly welcomed by Fon. A lot of the time when I was bored at home, Fon would stay away from work, and drank and talked with me, and I would gracefully stay with her. Fon usually wore very little at home and her figure was so tempting. However, my alias of “affectional but fickle man“ certainly does not come from nowhere … I was distinguished and never dirty. So even though Fon was extremely attractive, I never overstepped. And we continue to be very good friends until today.


“Cheung” was really nice to Meow, so let’s start to call him “Mr. Cheung”. From 1994 – 1994, he was engaged in some investment businesses so a lot of the times he was not in Bangkok. The taking care of Meow became the responsibility of this adultere of me. Of course I was very grateful and did my best to fulfill the responsibility.


- When I was in Macau, I often played the music of ENIGMA at home, and Meow also became the super fans of this European band after listening to the music so frequently. She had all of their albums.


- Very often now, we would be listening to the music from ENIGMA, drinking and doing our “private business”. She said she had the same Macau home feeling – I know she kept thinking all the time the days when she was with me at Avenida do Conselheiro Ferrira de Almeida in Macau.


- We were working on the “pleasure between men and women” almost everyday. At that time, she already was using Motorola mobile phone (analog). Mr. Cheung would call in daily at random times asking her what she was doing. A few times he called in when we were in the middle of doing …….. “that” thing.

-我們很喜歡買不同顏色的"原子漿" (一般T-shirt印字用的顏料),各自替對方塗在新買回來的白帆布鞋上,很多時是在淨白T-shirt上塗鴉,然後穿著一起上街-- "招遙過市"。

- We liked to buy many different colored paints (the paint that is used to print text on T-shirt). We would paint on the newly bought white canvas shoes of each other, and many times we would also paint on pure white T-shirts then wore them into the streets showing off


- Every time we put on the unique designs from her and this master of me and wandered around, I could see her smile lively and bright – happiness from the heart could not be faked.


- We even painted on each other’s body and then went to the Pim bar to get drunk.


- Our most exotic experience was that in one morning when I was shaving, she kept on harassing me and I accidentally cut my chin. I pretended to be very angry and shaved clean her pubic hair. She was not a friendly kind either and shaved clean mine as well, and we turned into “green dragon fighting white tiger” ….


- We mixed our hair together and then divided into two halves and we kept on half each. I heard this was an ancient Thai secret method to keep two people’s hearts together forever.


- Although we both didn’t want to be in this kind of situation, but we were enjoying the other kind of business from the accidental unexpectedness. I clearly realized our two identical minds – “get out of the current situation as soon as possible, and treasure every minute and every second of our stay together”


Now every now and then when I was all alone at night in the dark living room listening to Enigma’s music and thinking back to those fragments of life I would smiled out unconsciously, and I would still feel very excited. It is just a pity that all these were now things of the past …


One week passed quickly and she would have to go back into the bosom of the other man. Before she left, when we were bathing together I made my first marriage proposal to her. She thought for a while and said: “if you sincerely love me you have to endure and wait for me. If you cannot wait, you can go”


All the time I knew she was very tough and I understand whatever I said would be of no use and I felt very confused …… She saw this. She already received her visa and would go to Venice to meet with Mr. Cheung.

就送別她到機場的途中在的士內她靠在我懷裏不發一言,我送走了她獨自回到家中,Pim和Plu早巳在家中等著我,Meow是早有安排  --要Pim和 Plu跟我說話要說服我等她。她們都說姓章的每次包養囡囡都不曾有超過2-3年的。Meow現在所賺的錢很多,在那裏都找不到。如我是真心愛她的話,等上 2-3年算不了甚麼(就是她們這番說話使我等了她8年長直至2000年不得巳而分手)。

In the taxi trip to the airport she leaned on my chest all the way without saying anything. I saw her off and then returned alone to her home. Pim and Plu were already there waiting for me. Meow actually had made early arrangements – she wanted Pim and Plu to convince me to wait for her. They both said that every time Mr. Cheung told care of girls it would last no more than 2-3 years; Meow was now earning a lot of money and she could not get it any other way; and If I really loved her then 2-3 years wait would really be nothing (It really was what they said that made me wait for Meow for 8 years until 2000 when with no other choice we had to break up)

轉眼巳是她回曼谷的第3個農曆新年(當年是1995),這時巳和她家裹的人混得很熟了,妹妹經我介紹在泰國著名的泰式打邊爐店Suki Coca上班(這店全泰國有共上千間分店是我在外地唸書時同系同學的家族生意)而且她也從此不再是Tomboy了(現時2006巳調任總公司的高層)弟弟吸毒失了蹤,但哥哥巳回家--相當英俊的男人,樣子真的有點像Meow。而超爛賭媽媽則明顯地年青時必定是很漂亮的法泰混血女人,可惜極度爛賭是個典型病態賭徒,日後還出賣Meow使她走上不歸路--下節在完結篇中會詳述。

In a blink of an eye, it was already the third Chinese New Year after she returned to Bangkok (that year was 1995). At that time I was already very familiar with those from her home. Her sister through my introduction worked at the famous Thai hot pot restaurant Suki Coca (This restaurant has over one thousand branches in Thailand. It was the family business of my schoolmate when I was studying overseas), and she was no longer a Tomboy (now in 2006, she already had been promoted to the senior management of headquarter). The drug-taking younger brother had disappeared, but the elder brother had already returned home – a very handsome man and had a look that mildly resembled Meow. And the super compulsive gambling mother was obviously a very pretty French-Thai mixed woman when she was young, too bad she really gambled too much and was a typical compulsive gambler. It was she who later betrayed Meow that resulted in her going to a road of no return – this would be narrated in details in the next (ending) section.


On the fifth day of the Chinese New Year with the help Coca’s friend I organized a small part at the Chilom branch, and invited Meow’s family and friends. During the party in front of everyone I formally proposed marriage to her for the second time. She held back tears in her all-red eyes and said softly: “not now, wait for me”.


Throughout the next two years (1996-1998) I and her boss / husband were still carrying on this absurd 3P “shift system” relationship.


I had proposed marriage 4 times already, every time it was the same typical answer of “not now, wait for me”. At that time my personal financial situation was already very good and stable, and I could not really understand what was in Meow’s mind? I only realized later that it was because the debt of Meow’s mother was an astronomical amount and she didn’t want me to be dragged into this debt situation and so she kept tight lipped about it and had not choice but keep asking me to “wait”.


But when time slowly dragged on, I started to become impatient, and Mr. Cheung also started to become suspicious ….. It was at that time when a movie/TV actor who was once very famous in Hong Kong/Taiwan/South East Asia somehow carelessly and unexpectedly became my scapegoat. This resulted in him not daring to step into Thailand for the following 10 years. (this would be narrated in details in the next part - ending section).


Those “3P” absurd few years taught me a very valuable lesson in life: to stay in love with a working girl one must learn to “accept”, if you cannot have the caliber to accept all her good, bad, previous experience, bad temper, bad habit, work, etc, then I would urge you to turn back, otherwise one day when you two fall out, the hurt and pain to each other would be much greater – “the more you love, the more you hate”. And I was just not tolerate and patient enough, and also not having enough “acceptance” – I never tried to understand her situation nor put myself into her perspective, but simply gave her huge pressure demanding her to make her choice.

感謝網友 happygoing 和 tux1 的無私付出他們的私人時間

[ 本帖最後由 sawatdee 於 2008-12-5 01:06 編輯 ]
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 樓主| 發表於 2008-12-5 00:32:42 | 顯示全部樓層
Meow & Chochet - 刻骨銘心的愛情故事《4》
Meow & Chochet – the love story to be remembered with eternal gratitude <4>


Shakespeare had said: “love is blind, lovers will not see the silly things that they are doing”

承接上數集有關當年時期背景及當時馬交歡場情況變化, Bro有興趣可參考上幾集的內容後,再看閱本記事時;便不會被弄得混淆不清楚,因所提及事物有些現今都不存在了。

Carrying on from the previous sections, for the background of those times and the changes to situation in Macau’s “places serving love”, brothers who are interested please refer to the previous sections and then when you read this section you will not be confused, as all the places and things mentioned no longer exist.

懇請有興趣看閱本記事的弟兄,先參閱第1, 2 , 3節後才看閱本節,否則無法明白。

Kindly request all brothers who are interested in reading this section please first read through sections 1, 2, 3 before proceeding to read this section, or otherwise you will not be able to follow.


Note: to avoid unnecessary troubles from now onwards the majority of the characters will be using fake names. In addition, all the events recalled were real and never made up.


Someone laughed at me that I was too devoted (or crazy?)

我心中只追求---- LOVE =愛

All I was looking for is “LOVE”


LOVE – there is no STANDARD, but there are DEFINITIONS. The definitions of love are:


LISTEN – Love needs you to be unconditional, unbiased, and unselfish, to listen to his/her requests / demands


OVERLOOK : implied acceptance. Love is kindness and forgiveness, to broadly accept all of his/her shortcomings and mistakes, and to look for and recognize his/her merits and strengths.


VOICE: Love is to often express admiration and appreciation, sincere encouragement, delightful praises and unlimited care.


EFFORT: Love needs continuous effort, and pays even more sincerity to water the field of love.


Personally I consider: Love is selflessness, sentiment is definitely selfish, sentiment requires time to develop, but LOVE needs to be “made” often.


All animals when born already incurred the nature of looking for love, and looking for love is also the most important part of a human’s life. During the life of every human it is possible that 3 most important persons in his/her life will show up


The first one is whom you love most, the second one is one who loves you most, and the third one is one who lives with you for rest of your life.


You first meet the one you love most and then realize the feeling of love; now because you realize the feeling of being loved, you discover the one that loves you most; once you have encountered love and being loved, and finally understand love, then you will know what you really want and what you wish to own, then you will be able to find the one that suits you most and who can be together with you. But in real life, these 3 people at each stage usually are not the same person; the one you love most usually will not pick you; the one who loves you most likely is not the one you love most; and one who lasts longest is usually not the one you love most nor love you most, but who only “shows up” at the most appropriate time of your life. I personally believe heavily in fate, fate comes and goes, it has all been decided by the all mighty and cannot be demanded nor forced.

莎士比亞:愛情是一朵生長在絕崖邊緣的花,要想採摘它必須要有勇氣《The love is a growth at unique the flower of the precipice edge, wanting to pick it has to be courageous ---轉自bonking兄》我說:就是講什麼、期望什麼、幻想什麼都不太重要,只有真正的實踐行動做到了什麼才算是真的。而我的承諾,就是緊握她的手給她勇氣陪她一起冒險去採摘那朵莎翁所說的花。就是最終還是失敗但我巳盡了全力,只是時不與我,但真箇是『曾經擁有』而且『刻骨銘心』我巳無悔今生了。

Shakespeare said : < The love is a growth at unique the flower of the precipice edge, wanting to pick it has to be courageous – quoted from brother bonking>. I said: whatever said, hoped for, dreamed for, are all unimportant, what have been achieved by taking real actions are most important. And my promise was to hold on her hand firmly and gave her the strength to risk with me to pick that flower of Shakespeare’s. Even if at the end we failed, I had tried my best, it was because of the wrong timing against me, but I really “had once owned” and “could be remembered with eternal gratitude” I will never regret my life.

感謝網友 happygoing 和 tux1 的無私付出他們的私人時間

[ 本帖最後由 sawatdee 於 2008-12-5 01:09 編輯 ]
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 樓主| 發表於 2008-12-5 00:33:03 | 顯示全部樓層

Year = forgotten
Places = Singapore , Venice, Hong Kong, Bangkok


Mr. Cheung was definitely smart, he felt something was not right very early, but then he could not figure out what may be wrong. So every time he left Bangkok for a business trip, he would try to ensure Meow would go along. She was also intelligent , she knew that weekday I would not be able to get off work, so every time she needed to go overseas, she would try to push the stay to Sunday so that she could make the chance for us to see each other . She and Mr. Cheung were like “wisdom fights” between him and her every day.

他們住在Elizabeth Hotel,我急忙在星期5下班後趕到星加坡會她,我住在York Hotel就在Elizabeth的正對面--走路不到一分鐘。她告訴章生她要到Takashimaya (高島屋)shopping,卻在我的房中和我聯手探索各種體位的反應。

In Singapore:

They stayed at Elizabeth Hotel; right after I got off work on Friday, I rushed to Singapore to meet with her; I stayed at York Hotel which was right opposite to Elizabeth Hotel and could walk there within 1 minute. She told Mr. Cheung she wanted to go to Takashimaya to do shopping but instead she came to my room and we explored the different biological feelings from different positions.

他們住在Londa Palace,我第一次去人生路不熟只得住進同一間酒店,這一次非常貴幾乎使我破產,酒店房間是向海的,而且酒店本身離開海邊只有一條馬路的闊度,只要打開窗門就有像站在海邊的感覺。她由早上到晚餐前都和我相擁著看海(她極之喜歡看海),威尼斯是個怪地方,下午潮漲時常常水浸連整個St. Marco Square都浸滿水,當她回章生房和他外出晚餐時被發現她雙腳沒有沾水,從這晚開始便更加懷疑她了。

In Venice:

They stayed at Londa Palace, since it was the first time I went to Venice I was not familiar with this city so I had no choice but checked in the same hotel. It was very expensive and almost bankrupted me. The hotel room was facing the ocean , and the hotel was only the width of a road from the ocean , you just need to open the window to have the feeling of standing next to the ocean. One day from day time until dinner, we were hugging together watching the ocean (she liked watching the ocean very much). Venice is a strange place, during tide rise in the afternoon everywhere is flooded, including the whole of St. Macro Square. When she returned to Mr. Cheung’s room and went for dinner with him , he saw that her feet were dry and from that night onwards he got even more suspicious about her.

他們住在上環信德中心(港澳碼頭)上層的出租Apartment (巳前是),早上她和章生吃過早點,章生回公司,我請了假帶她回家---我當時是住在薄扶林道的宿舍裹,她說很喜歡那裹,我聽著便馬上抓緊機會取出早巳預備好的求婚介指和一大束玫瑰作第5次的正式求婚了。每次她都紅著眼地回答:等我。但這次她竟含羞答答臉紅紅的點頭答應,我馬上給她戴上介指,我歡喜若狂,一手抱起了她馬上就在廳中就地正法。

In Hong Kong:

They were staying at the (used to be) rental apartment of Sheung Wan “Shun Tak” building (the Macau / Hong Kong ferry pier). In the morning she and Mr. Cheung had breakfast and Mr. Cheung then returned to office. I took a day off and brought her back to my home – At that time I lived at the dormitory at PokFuLam road. She said she like that place very much. I heard this and immediately took the opportunity to take out the already prepared wedding ring and a big bouquet of roses and proposed marriage to her for the 5th time. Every time in the past she would say with teary eyes : “wait for me”. But this time, she was red-faced and nodded shyly to accept! I was so happy and immediately put the ring onto her finger, and then made love with her right in the living room.


After we finished, she told me why she rejected my marriage proposals many times and this time she accepted: she kept on thinking the situation of her family was not acceptable, but when she saw that my home was all decorated in Thai fashion and there were photos of her everywhere, she was very touched. She said she would properly organize. The ring was a pair made at “Chow Tai Fook Jewelry”, and she was still wearing it tightly when she passed away.


Every time when I met with her she would always intentionally (or unintentionally) told me in details what she did with Mr. Cheung in their room. She was already telling me the details between her and her customer when she was working at “Darling”, but I always felt annoyed. She said she would tell me everything that I might guess, rather than I kept guessing blindly she would just tell me every detail. She said: “a woman will not have any feeling if she makes love unwillingly, only when she is making love to someone she likes then she will have feelings.” Not sure if this is true or false?


I asked her if she “wanted more feelings”, she nodded, so I carried her into the room and we made love again ….. I purposely wanted to have her compare between me and Mr. Cheung.

章生和他的泰籍朋友合資在曼谷成立新公司,他在泰國的朋友很少所以連我( Fon男友身份)和Plu的美籍男友也邀請出席在LandMark舉行的開幕酒會。Meow穿著低胸Deep V黑色晚裝,加上鑽飾等等,特別顯得明艷照人。男人是奇怪動物,喜歡追尋刺激,明知會輸的仍喜歡賭,明知有危險的還是會做。。。。正值其他人都在內廳拿著酒杯談笑風生,寒暄時,我和她躲在隔壁的休息室內辨私事,那種非筆墨所能形容的極度刺激快感到現在還記憶猶新。

In Bangkok:
Mr. Cheung and his Thai friends invested and set up a new company in Bangkok. He had few friends in Bangkok so he also invited me (as Fon’s boyfriend) and Plu’s American boyfriend to the opening banquet at LandMark. Meow was wearing a low cut Deep V night dress, and with the diamond jewelry, etc , which she put on, she just appeared stunning. Man is kind of a strange beast which likes looking for excitement , though knowing that ultimately will lose but still gamble , and though knowing certain things are dangerous to do but still will do ….. When other people were enjoying the chatting and drinking at the banquet hall, I and Meow were hiding in the resting room next door doing our private thing, that extreme excitement was un-describable and I could remember like it is still happening now.


At the banquet, one of the guests who came from Hong Kong To Bangkok was an actor who was quite popular at that time----when he debuted he was boasted too much by the TV station such that the audience did not really accept him and this made him not really that popular. Yet he became popular after he went to Taiwan to act in an “ancient costume” series. It was unsure whether the actor was stupid, or really Meow attractiveness was so unbelievable, this “hero” thought Meow was the secretary of Mr. Cheung’s new company, it may just be due to Meow could speak fluent Thai, “Guang Tong Hua” and French, while her English was a bit worse but still acceptable. It was funny that the actor proceeded to pursue Meow very seriously and claimed that he could get hold of her in 5 days, etc …… Unfortunately no more than three days the hero actor freakishly got punished very seriously and almost could not return to Hong Kong. From that time onwards, Mr. Cheung started to observe Meow’s acts and also tightened her freedom. I also started to be more careful, but the excitement was also increased in great proportions.


Last time in Hong Kong the marriage proposal had already been accepted but until now still no action on her side, I was feeling very upset, very anxious, and very angry


I thought: male and female differs in physiology and also mindset. I personally believe that when a man fell in love for a woman, no matter how many female partners he had before, deep in the heart he would never forget the woman whom he had loved deeply. On the other hand, women would be very different, once she had lived together long enough with the man she might not love, she would gradually get used to it and also discover his merits, and slowly the little merits would automatically cover over his shortcomings and be accepted into her heart. This was what I worried most and that’s why I kept pushing for the marriage so as to shorten the time that she and he (Mr. Cheung) could be together. …. Unknowingly I had already pushed for the marriage 7 times ….. this time the answer has something new. She said: “I am working on it …..”


In March of 2000, Upon my arrival at Bangkok airport, Fon was already waiting for me, she drove her new car over to pick me up to have dinner at Plu’s home. I had question , why would Fon treat me so well? But I never dug deep into finding out the reason , now she is married to a Thai CID.


That night was a carefully organized food party by Plu and a lot of friends were invited to attend. The aim was to arrange for me to again propose marriage to Meow in front of everybody; and I even promised that if I could not marry her, then I would never get married for the rest of my life. But sadly her answer was the same : “just wait , I am taking care of it ……..”


Her sister Kwong said to me: if I proposed marriage to her these many times like this she would have married me tens of times.


I felt very confused, and went alone to Pim’s bar to get drinks. When I woke up in the morning I was already sleeping on the bed at home, Fon told me that Plu and her American husband carried me back. I was very upset, thinking that my personal condition was definitely not bad and just could not understand why Meow treated me like this, she tried to phone me but I didn’t answer, and I returned to Hong Kong that afternoon. Plus told me : “this time she cried, she really cried, the usually tough Meow really cried mightily”.

兩星期後再次回曼谷向她作最後通牒的催婚,下定決心不成功便成仁。Plu約我到Pim家裹,Pim和Plu私下和我談了整個中午,原先數年前是她倆極力勸說我等Meow但今天卻返過來遊說我放手。談了幾小時,大致是說:姓章的很愛Meow,而她也非常依賴他,經深切考慮和衡量境況後覺得是時候結束我們的 3P關係了。我沒說甚麼便離去但心情非常煩亂,便坐在Pim家樓下停車場呆想,過了沒多久竟看見Pim和Plu參扶著正在邊哭泣邊抹淚水的Meow一起下樓乘的士走了。這才明白剛才Meow是躲在屋裹看著聽著一切,應該也是她一手安排的。想著想著---越想越氣憤,拖了我8年。。。。既然是她早巳考慮得清楚才刻意安排的,好吧,就放手。

Two weeks later, I returned to Bangkok, and gave her the ultimate push for the marriage, and decided that this had to succeed or give up. Plu invited me to Pm’s home, and Pim and Plu talked to me for the entire afternoon. Previous few years, they tried very hard to convince me to wait for Meow, but this time, they were persuading me to give up. Having discussed for a few hours, they were saying: “Mr. Cheung loved Meow very much and she was also very dependent on him. After having seriously thought and considered the situation, she felt it was time to end the 3P relationship”. I did not say anything and left, but I was very confused and upset, so I sat at the car park underneath Pim’s home and thought dumbly. After a short while to my surprise I saw Pim and Plu supporting Meow and came downstairs, she was crying and wiping her tears, and they caught a taxi and left. I then realized that Meow was hiding in the house and saw and heard everything, and it should be that she made the whole arrangement. The more I thought, the more I got angry, she dragged me on for 8 years …… since she had thought about it so carefully and had arranged this so purposefully, ok, I would give up.

感謝網友 happygoing 和 tux1 的無私付出他們的私人時間

[ 本帖最後由 sawatdee 於 2008-12-5 01:09 編輯 ]
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 樓主| 發表於 2008-12-5 00:33:22 | 顯示全部樓層
一個月後,我回到Fon家收拾行履回香港想著以後不會再來了,Meow到來和我說再見,很有風度的和我握手道別。在分手前夕,她和我在Fon家中相對無言的坐在小客廳中達4個多小時,原本每次見面雙方都有很多講不完的說話,但這時卻。。。。她知道我們今生今世有緣無份只能幻想可以結為夫婦,她說必定是我前生幹過很多對不起她的事,今生要她到來拆磨我。從她這番說話就知道她心內是非常明白我心中的激痛。她要求和我拍一輯婚紗照作為永久留念,我們於是就在婚紗店內拍了,可恨我當時很賭氣,拍完便立即獨自離開,頭也不回的走了,我那時是想把一切所有和她有關的往事全部盡快忘卻。就從這時起算是正式分手了。從 1991年底到2000年4月中旬,算了吧,心裹不斷的自我安慰。

A month later, I went to Fon’s home to pack up my belongings to return to Hong Kong thinking I would never return. Meow came to say goodbye to me. She was full of demeanor and shook hands with me when she said good bye. Before we parted, she and I stayed in Fon’s home for more than 4 hours without a word between us. In the past, when we saw each other, we always had endless conversations, but this time …… she realized that this life we could not be together and we could only dream to get married. She said that in my previous life I must have done a lot of bad things to her and this life she was here to torture me. From these words I knew that she really understood the pain in my heart. She wanted to take a set of marriage photos with me for her to keep as memories forever, so we went to nuptial dress shop to take the photos. But I was really spiteful at that time, and as soon as the photos were taken I left alone without turning head. I was just thinking at that time to forget everything between me and her. So, at that time, it was official that we had really broken up. Our relationship lasted from year end of 1991 to mid April of 2000, so be it, and I kept trying comfort myself


In July, 2001, Plu’s foreigner husband came to Hong Kong on business trip. We had dinner together --- she told me that after Meow broke up with me, she had a fight with her mother and shattered everything at home. This is very usual as Thai girls usually cared about family very much. They always said parents, brothers and sisters, no matter good or bed, were arranged by God, and could not be chosen, and their fate were decided at birth, and husband, lover, boyfriend were all flowing water , one gone, another would arrive. But this time, Meow blamed her mother for ruining her whole life’s happiness because of her huge gambling debt. Although Meow got a lot of money from Mr. Cheung, but her mother’s gambling debt was also growing largely daily. Meow cried to leave her mother, leave the horrible situation and leave Mr. Cheung. She really disappeared for more than one month, but her mother threatened to commit suicide, so she had no choice but returned. But then her left forearm had many very deep scars on it, It was common for Thai girls (and for a while in the past it was also common in Hong Kong) to slowly scratch out long bloody scars on forearm to use the pain on the flesh to cover the pain and worries in their minds. Plu’s husband also said that since she kept yelling and crying everyday and got drunk too often, Mr. Cheung got sick of her and went to complain to her mother. She shockingly fed Meow with the mental illness medicine “Pills”. This caused her be half conscious all day. I listened to his narration, but I simply felt absolutely nothing --- I didn’t want to hear anything about her and told him to stop talking about her.


If at that moment I went to Bangkok to bring her back to Hong Kong she would surely come with me. Hatefully, I didn’t …. This is my second regret. Thinking back, when a nice girl scarred her forearm slowly with a knife one could imagine how painful she was feeling, but she could not find other ways so she could only bloodily hurt herself to relieve her sorrow.


We had no contacts for the next two years.

2003年,我因工作再到曼谷,天氣仍是非常炎熱,再次踏足曼谷心情跟巳往完全不同,巳失去了從前的親切感。晚上到Plu的新居慶祝她和老外的結婚紀念 ----席間,Meow出現了,不見數年她那時巳經快將35歲了但難得還是仍保持著那樣美麗動人只是比從前憔悴。在分手前她巳經戒掉了抽煙但這時的她是煙不離手,而且手振動得很,估計是抽煙過多加上丸仔對她腦部巳造成傷害。我們雖然是坐在一起,但仍是感到相隔很遠的。飯後,章生來電話要她回去,Plu跟他說今晚要留Meow在家中過夜。然後轉身跟我說:Meow就交給你了。

In 2003, I needed to go to Bangkok on business trip. The weather was still very hot. My feeling was very different this time when I arrived in Bangkok as I had completely loss the close feelings. That night I went to Plu’s home to celebrate the marriage commemoration of Plu and her husband --- during the celebration, Meow showed up. It had been a few years, she was already near 35 years old, but she was still as beautiful as before, just more pale. Before we broke up she had stopped smoking, but she was smoking heavily and her hand was shaking badly. I guess it was caused by the heavy smoking, and also the “pills” would have caused damages to her brain. Although we sat together we felt we were far apart. After the dinner, Mr. Cheung phoned her asking her to go home. Plu told him that she wanted Meow to stay at her home overnight. Then she turned around and said to me: “Meow is all yours now”


I really didn’t know what to do. We had already broken up, and I already had a new girlfriend ---- In the beginning, we just chatted in the living room, but finally we were all naked and continued on our hopes we had left over. Her reactions were various and huge, and I could feel she was really enjoying and longing my consoling, as experienced men could easily recognize it. After we finished making love the first time, I saw her left forearm and there were really many deep scars. The wedding ring which I put on her she had never taken off since and she had worn it for all these years. She said the most enjoyable part of her life was her time with me, she felt the warmth, she felt being loved, and she kept dreaming of returning to Macau with me and watched the ocean with my arms around her ….. As she was saying she started crying mightily and I also was feeling severe pain in my heart. So I picked up all my strength to make love to her again, and this time her reactions were even larger and soon she climaxed. Early next morning, I had to return to Hong Kong. She didn’t want me to so we made love again one more time and I delayed until noon before I headed to the airport, before I left, she pecked me on my left cheek just like the same position when she did the first time we met, and so much memories flashed up in my mind …… After that, we did not contact again, and that was the last time we saw each other in our lives.


Plu would occasionally call me (it is still happening now). She said that after I left, Meow would get drunk even more frequently, and the “Pills” could no longer satisfy her and she had already started taking a kind of marijuana called “Ya Ma” … apparently it is the super strengthen version of the most powerful marijuana and it caused even more severe damage to the brains.


Until one noon in June 2004, I was busy at work when Meow’s sister phoned me: Meow could not wake up again that morning and had passed away during her sleep.


Two weeks later Mr. Cheung had finished all things to be done for her death, and had placed her ash in a temple in the country side. I, Pim and Plu discussed to bring her ash back to Hong Kong, but it didn’t happen due to the objection by Meow’s mother.


Meow’s sister “Kwong” returned to me the “proposal” ring that she was still wearing on the day she died, she said her sister did not have good fortune, and she also gave me one of the wedding photos we took that year. Although I could not fulfill Meow’s wish (when she was in Macau, she once said that she would like her ash to be spread into the ocean, as she really liked watching the ocean), but I still wanted to do something for her --- I brought the ring to Macau and with all my strength I threw it into the sea water at Areia Preta”. I hoped she would rest in peace and we could continue our unfinished relationship in our next lives ……..


[Chinese poem: skip per suggestion, so as not to mislead readers]


During the last marriage proposal I promised if I could not marry her I would never marry another woman for the rest of my life. This is my third regret. It was already 6 years since we broke up ……. I am still alone and I am keeping my promise of going to die alone. …… But I did not promise that I would not date another girl , I would not be so easily falling in love . I am still “full of affection” but I am naturally “fickle“…….. “人到情多情轉薄,而今真個不多情” when a person becomes full of affection, the affection turns thin, now really no longer I am self-emotional …. And that is how my alias “多情薄倖男” “affectional but fickle man” came along.


The famous Hong Kong singer “Wong Fei” said during her divorce: I believe everyone was pursuing “forever lasting”, when this could not be found, then would use “once owned” to comfort him/herself.


I personally really understand ….. but I definitely do not agree. One had to fight to get the love, if both sides had fought with all hearts, even though fate runs out, deep in the hearts it would still be “forever lasting”



[Chinese poem: skip per suggestion, so as not to mislead readers]

綜合我的3個後悔,都是我的錯誤決定,連累了她們的幸福,這是我的後悔。希望弟兄們看閱全篇1 - 4節後不要像我一樣作錯誤的判定,並且領會"愛"和"包容"的意義。但我對這次沉船從來沒有後悔過。

To summarize, all my 3 regrets were all caused by my wrong decisions. I regretted having destroyed her happiness. I hope that, after brothers have read through all 4 sections of the story, DO NOT make the same wrong judgments, and realize the real meanings of LOVE and ACCEPTANCE. But I had never regretted this “sink boat” experience.


感謝網友 happygoing 和 tux1 的無私付出他們的私人時間

[ 本帖最後由 sawatdee 於 2008-12-5 01:13 編輯 ]
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發表於 2008-12-5 01:24:26 | 顯示全部樓層


但沒有它 又很難體會Chochet師兄當時的感受

"人面不知何處去  桃花依舊笑春風"---


一切一切   隨著他們的再會  都溶化在黑沙灣的情浪  

抱風飄遊   浪花呼閃著幸福的天樂
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發表於 2008-12-5 01:53:57 | 顯示全部樓層

回覆 #9 sawatdee 的帖子

Bro. I posted the full english translation in the English forum. Just realised you added back the Chinese version in each paragraph. Do you want me to go in sync with you in the English forum as well? ( When I was posting it I thought you only extracted the English translation in the postings so I did the same ).
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發表於 2008-12-5 02:08:24 | 顯示全部樓層
chochet 聽 ENIGMA 既音樂, 真係非常前衛同有 teste, 因為佢我而家開始學聽 New age 音樂, Ipod 都放左兩首ENIGMA既歌
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 樓主| 發表於 2008-12-5 22:23:10 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 tux1 於 2008-12-5 01:53 發表
Bro. I posted the full english translation in the English forum. Just realised you added back the Chinese version in each paragraph. Do you want me to go in sync with you in the English forum as well? ...

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william1111 該用戶已被刪除
發表於 2008-12-5 22:25:37 | 顯示全部樓層
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 樓主| 發表於 2008-12-8 13:53:29 | 顯示全部樓層
.....Chochet 的好友....alhuang69 告知.....賢兄的遺願.....己經全部依照賢兄的吩咐辦妥了.....

[ 本帖最後由 sawatdee 於 2008-12-8 13:56 編輯 ]
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發表於 2008-12-8 14:31:08 | 顯示全部樓層

回覆 #15 sawatdee 的帖子

I hope Meow's sister get a copy of the translation as a tribute from many of us who have read and be touched by the story.
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william1111 該用戶已被刪除
發表於 2008-12-8 15:19:22 | 顯示全部樓層
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Oie De la France



發表於 2008-12-8 17:23:47 | 顯示全部樓層
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發表於 2008-12-8 18:02:52 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 ditch13 於 2008-12-8 05:23 PM 發表

Already posted by english forum moderator in the english forum.
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發表於 2008-12-29 00:34:43 | 顯示全部樓層
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