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[揾女心得] Rockza Show - Report of the Final Show - September 10, 11:30pm









發表於 2008-9-12 01:04:15 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
PS: Sorry I can't type in Chinese. Please bare with me.

Rockza Show - August 11 - September 10. Final show report!

Time: Sep 10, 11:30pm.

This was the last show of the month. The dancers - Sora, Haruki, Hiro, Rin, Haneda and Maria - performed a total of 186 shows,
and this is the curtain call one.

There was quite big of a crowd, but I was a bit disappointed that it should be a lot bigger. Many people knew this was the final,
but I guess it was asking too much for some to come at 11:30pm on a Wednesday night. Anyways, I counted about 50-60 people, many
of those I recognized to be returning. I chatted with some of those. There were 3 die-hard Japanese fans who brought some
cardboards with the names of each dancer written on them.  One of them sat at the back and was prepared to give the dancers the
final cheers. I greeted them (they knew me after we had watched the shows a few times together) and congratulated them on their
preparations and went back to my favorite seat in front eagerly waiting to watch the final performance (and eagerly, amid with
a heavy heart, waiting for see my favorite dancer a last time).

PS: the japanese guy sitting at the back row put up the name of each dancer during her solo sequence. Really nice gesture!

Show began on time, as usual, with the drum dance with Sora, Rin and Haruki and the 4 back dancers. They all seemed to have gained
extra energies and performed a super dance. Haruki was smiling big (and a bit bigger in my opinion, but I am so used to seeing
her smile big that it took a bit of hard look to ensure she did smile bigger )  but Sora and Rin were giving very big smiles.
They did extremely well then. 10/10

Then Sora's solo came. She smiled really big this time round, the most that I had seen. I guess she was very relaxed and did
superbly in the performance. No fault. Many claps in every break of her dance. Huge claps when she finished, the most I heard for
her since I started watching the show back in August. I gave this bit 10/10.

Haruki was next. I could not say any more on how much I liked this part (getting too biased already : ) Well, admittedly my mind
was away at that time because, well, as she went on with her dance I knew that it would be the last time I would see her
performance and my heart was sinking. But in any case she continued to be superb with her facial expressions and paid her
attention to every audience and she gave all her seductive looks to the audience one last time. Dance finished, and huge claps
all through (with my heart sinking to its bottom   ) - still, 10/10

Then the middle cut scene. The first one was the fast song with Maria, Sora and Rin. Very nice dance. Something I did spot for
the first time was that Maria seemed to have a small change to her hair style. Not sure if other C-hings saw it. But in any case
Rin was smiling a lot bigger and more here, and Maria was smiling a bit and so was Sora. Nice dance. Then came Haneda in the
slow song cut scene with Hiro. I spotted Hiro was smiling a bit when she saw Maria (may be Hiro also saw the change in hair style?)
It was very nice to be able to see the dancers were enjoying themselves! Anyways, the slow sequence went smoothly. Then the
second fast sequence with Rin coming out first, then Sora and then Maria. Dance was good, music was great, and again, the 3 girls
smiled a lot. Good dance. Then finally the 4th cut scene with Hiro, Rin and Haneda. Not much to say about this one. This part ended
with Haneda leaving stage first, then Rin, leaving behind Hiro to do the solo. 10/10

Hiro started her part. She seemed to be always cool without much smile but this time, she smiled a lot and gave a very good dance. During
the second part (the fast japanese song) she was looking around and smiling non-stop (and strangely, she nodded at me and smiled at
me which she hadn't done for a while even though she recognized me for a while already). I gave her the thumbs up and she smiled
bigger. Dance ended as she stood in the middle back stage and she gave the most beautiful smile I have seen from her. Big claps.

Rin came next. The japanese guy (one of the 3 die-hard fans, and this one is a die-hard Rin fan) sitting in front right clapped.
I heard someone at the back also clapped but not sure if they were from the other japanese fans. Anyways, I have always like
this sequence despite the song being slow. It is actually a quite difficult sequence and she had done superbly all through. And
for once I saw Rin actually gave a lot more small smiles / grins when she was looking around the stage. I think she must have
recognized a lot of familiar faces, and I know many people like her. When she looked around and saw me I gave her a big nod and
a small smile, and she returned a small smile to me, and she was pretty. Dance ended with the cut into Haneda's sequence. The
Japanese die-hard fan of Rin was clapping a bit, but as I have been saying this part is impossible to give Rin her clap, but I
did a little clap when she stood up and proceeded to walk back. Not sure if she saw/heard it because I clapped ever so lightly. 10/10

Haneda came out and did her part. She had been improving a lot with her sequence. She looked around the audience and gave a lot
of seductive smile. When she looked around to me I nodded and smiled at her and she smiled back. Nice - she had not smiled to me
for a while now. One of the japanese fans was a die-hard Haneda fan. He sat in front row and started to hold up card boards
(written in Japanese and Chinese). I could figure out a bit of what was written - first one I think was saying that the last
show finally arrived and the second one might be saying that Haneda must be very tired after 186 shows and deserved a good break
afterwards. Something like that. Haneda smiled broadly when she saw the cards. She danced very well, I think the best I had seen
her performed. Dance ended, big claps. 10/10

Now, finally, the biggest star of all, Maria came out. Nothing more I can say, she is the major attraction. For the first time
I heard clappings following the beat. [Usually this only comes from japanese fans, and I need to point out that the 3 japanese
fans were clapping following the beats of the fast songs of EVERY dancer who has fast song component in her part (ie. Sora,
Haruki, Hiro). Sometimes I am ashamed of myself trying to control and not doing so. I wanted to clap for Haruki but even
then I held back. I am giving the big thumbs up to these Japanese fans for doing so.] But this time, for the first time, (ps. this
did NOT happen even at the 3pm shows after the "meet the dancers" events), many OTHER people started to clap and followed the
beats for Maria. I looked around and was so happy to see this happened and I started clapping with the beats as well. (Thanks to
those C-hings who started this. I am proud of all of you). When the first part of Maria's dance ended, large claps (and someone
whistled) heard. Then came the toughest part of her dance when she had to flip around and made all the difficult posts. I could
see her struggling, but who would not be struggling? Her posts were extremely difficult and after having to do the same posts 186 times
I would expect she had huge pains on her knees. But she didn't try to cheat or anything and gave all she could. Big claps by
not just the Japanese fans but many other people when she made those difficult posts. Then came the final bit when the front
stage rotated and she was giving her more beautiful and seductive look around the stage at every audience. Claps came from
everywhere, someone whistled again, and I remember I heard someone calling out her name. She gave me a big smile when she
crawled around on her knees and hands. Very nice. Then she gave everyone one last post of her bending completely back and her
head actually touched the stage. I know her knees were in pain, and she still did this post. I have nothing more to say but to give
full praise to her. Finally she stood in front and thanked people. And you could imagine the thunderous claps that she was
getting. A lot of C-hings were screaming her name. Claps, whistles and screaming her names didn't stop for a whole minute when
she moved back to middle stage and looked around thanking audience. I saw the biggest smile from her since I first started
watching the show. As she walked past me I said "Maria - well done". Not sure if she heard, but it came instinctively from me.
When her part ended with her standing middle back stage and blowing kisses, everyone was clapping hard and screaming, and even
I could not stop but raised my hands to clap. Maria had really done it and captured the heart of everyone. 10/10

All good things must come to an end. Finally the ending feather dance. Haruki came out first, and as usual I could not take my
eyes off her. Then Hiro and Sora came out. I initially didn't expect anything special, may be a bit more smile, then suddenly
Rin then Sora broke out with large smile on their faces. I turned around and saw the Japanese fans held up a HUGE banner
(spreaded across the entire last row in the middle section) which unfortunately I could not translate from Japanese into Chinese
or English, but it must have been something real good. Anyways, the feather dance went on with all the girls smiling (I saw
Hiro smiled as well, which really showed she was relaxed). Then each back dancer was introduced. Everyone clapped. Good. Then
came the main dancers - Haruki first then Hiro (at this moment, yes, my eyes were still at Haruki and I waved a little at her
and she smiled back. Sigh, my heart sunk. Last time I was seeing her ) then Haneda then Sora then Rin. All were smiling and
went smoothly. I gave everyone of them their deserved claps while still trying to look back at Haruki .... then something caught
my eyes .... Maria was introduced and SHE WAS CRYING! I was stunned and I was sure everyone was stunned. Now I could not look
at Haruki any more but I kept my eyes on Maria. She was really crying - out of joy, out of relief and more so - out of knowing
that she is so well loved by almost everyone and that this is her last time she will be seeing all her fans (a lot of them
returning and she must recognize their faces) that had been giving her the support throughout this month. All the dancers
were now lined up in the middle stage thanking the audiences. Thunderous claps, cheers, and fans calling out "maria don't cry".
Finally they moved back and did their final post. Before curtain started to close, I looked at Haruki one last time, I think
she saw me and smiled at me. But I could not smile back. My heart had sunk completely - by knowing that I won't see Haruki again,
and by being completely touched by Maria. I was clapping hard, so were everyone else. Curtains closed, lights on. People were
still clapping for a full 10-15 seconds and calling out Maria's name. Finally clapping subsided and people started
to move out. 20/10

I saw the PR manager, his manager, and the senior manager from Rockza. I rushed over to congratulate them on the show. A number of
C-hings also went over to congratulate the managers. The japanese fans went over and spoke with the CEO. I was fortunate to be
introduced by the PR manager to the CEO as well, and I think he told the CEO that I had watched the show 60 times in about 17 days.
The CEO looked surprised, then bowed a bit and thanked me and shook my hands. I felt honored.

I and a number of C-hings moved out and were still discussing the show outside the theatre for a short while before we left.

This final show had touched many people's heart and had left a fond memory for many people.

So what is the final score? 10/10 for each solo sequence, 10/10 for opening sequence, 10/10 for middle cut sequence. And *** 20/10 ***
for the feather dance! Maria - you did it!

On behalf of myself, and a number of C-hings whom I spoke with, I would like to wholeheartedly thank Rockza for bringing this
show to Macau. And to bring in Maria, Haruki, Hiro, Sora, Rin and Haneda to perform so marvellously well. And - to Maria Ozawa -
you being a superstar but NOT behaving like a superstar - has won many hearts. And to my favorite Haruki - you are the least known,
but you have brought such a surprise to so many people (and captured my heart). And to all others - Sora, Hiro, Rin and Haneda -
for bringing us so much joy in watching your performance. And last but not least, to all the back dancers, without your support,
some of the dance sequences will not be so good.

I hope the Rockza show will continue to be performed in Macau. It has a lot of values, and it brings a whole different perspective
of strip dancing to everyone.








發表於 2008-9-12 01:19:11 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 tux1 於 2008-9-12 01:04 發表
PS: Sorry I can't type in Chinese. Please bare with me.

Rockza Show - August 11 - September 10. Final show report!

Time: Sep 10, 11:30pm.

This was the last show of the month. The dancers - Sora, Ha ...

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發表於 2008-9-12 19:44:37 | 顯示全部樓層
Yeah...I definitely noticed the hair style change in Maria, since I just watched two shows that last sat before the final show so I remember the hairstyle before. It was eye catching and gave me a fresh surprise to her look. No matter how she changes it, it looks good.

Yes, I heard other people clapped to the beat, so I thought I might as well join in since it's the last show. Nothing to be ashamed of in giving the girls their support, they totally deserved it.

I was talking to the german guy and he was talking to the PR manager, so I got name card from the PR manager as well. When he went in the restriction area, I did my best to give the gifts to him so he can pass them on to Maria and Hiro.

I agree that Maria is actually very nice and quite mature and polite in a way that she doesn't show off that she's some superstar, that's why I came to give her support and I wrote a few words on the gifts to support her as well. Hopefully she will continue and pursue to become a professional and good dancer other than doing AV movies. She is just so young and she needs people to care about her and support her since from the rumours I heard she had problems with her family after she came into the JAV industry, and rumours of her losing all her hard earned money from gambling.

Hiro is also a very beautiful and nice girl, I think she is those type of cold on the outside but warm on the inside and need time to warm up to people. I also wrote encouragement notes to her on the gift that if she continue to smile a lot and smile more, she is definitely very gorgeous and attractive in many ways on stage .

Definitely a good show from the last show, I saw most of them sweating a lot on stage and you can tell how tough some of the positions they do and how much energy they put into the dance scenes. Especially Maria, although she's just a beginner in the dance scene, but even though I can tell she struggles with some positions because she shakes quite heavily, she still did her best to give us everything by trying hard to complete all the posts. I'm sure in time and effort, she will be as good as those Spanish dancers outside in the casino that performed in front of the bar .

I wish them all good luck in their future shows and hopefully will see them come back again in the future. If not maybe I can visit them in Japan when I get another chance to go there .
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發表於 2008-9-12 21:39:18 | 顯示全部樓層
艾呀~ 早知最後一日去啦
敦 倫 達 淫
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 樓主| 發表於 2008-9-14 01:51:38 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 Civic-Type-R 於 2008-9-12 07:44 PM 發表
Yeah...I definitely noticed the hair style change in Maria, since I just watched two shows that last sat before the final show so I remember the hairstyle before. It was eye catching and gave me a fre ...

Whether the rumors are true or not it does not matter. If Maria knows the support that she has been getting from Macau, she will understand how everyone feels about her, and I believe you will learn and move on. She is such a smart girl.

And your observation about Hiro is sound and I agree with it. I know she is that type of girl. I guess she tries to hide her real self on the stage.

(This is surely also true towards Haruki, my favorite. I believe her real self is quite different from the image that she portraits on stage. And this is all the most amazing - she is
just a real natural dancer / actress where she can transform to a different "self" when she goes on stage)

I cannot give more praise to Maria. Due to the difficult posts, her knees have been in pain for a long time, and she tried her best every time, and saved her best during the last show. She could have easily just fluke the positions that she had to make, but she didn't. A lot of the times when I saw her doing the posts, my heart actually ached  ...

The dancers and the show itself all deserve the 120/100 that I gave.
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發表於 2008-9-14 02:12:30 | 顯示全部樓層
damn, i didn't know it was the last show, i would have gone and supported them
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發表於 2008-9-14 02:43:11 | 顯示全部樓層
so good and detailed report, thanks bro
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發表於 2008-9-14 11:33:20 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 tux1 於 2008-9-14 01:51 發表

Whether the rumors are true or not it does not matter. If Maria knows the support that she has been getting from Macau, she will understand how everyone feels about her, and I believe you will learn ...

Yeah, I agree. She is a very nice and very smart girl. I went to her blog and read her posts about her stay in Macau. She did enjoy coming to Macau and loved the relics she got to see in Macau during the spare time (The old church) and took pics too, not sure if it was with Hiro though it looked like it.

She was surprised how much people came to give her lots of love and support and she was very happy even though been away from home in Japan for quite a while. She was quite excited about the free time after the last performance (about 3-4 days) and even before that they have already done a lot of shopping around Macau.

So definitely I think that's something that touched her on her last show, because we did come to give her a lot of support no matter what the circumstances were. Hopefully there will be a chance for her and others to come around next time.

Yes, talking about Haruki, I think she had the most seductive eyes on the show and she always give out 120% all the time to shellshock you with those eyes of hers. I think a few bros who went to the show would have gotten electrified by the way she looks at them, lucky I'm just able to hold myself together not to get that electric shock from her eyes that would have just killed most people there. I do think Haruki had the most feminine sense to her compared to others on the show, even compared to Maria. Maria is very sexy and seductive but still lack the feminine sense of more mature women, I can even sometimes find Maria looking just only cute when even wearing the SM clothing.

Anyways let's hope they all enjoyed the trip and had a good memorable experience in Macau!!!

(PS: that night the German guy next to me wanted to wait for Maria to come out so he can meet her to give her his name card, so I waited with him as well and talked for a fair while. When they came out, I saw Hiro smiling very big and laughing too when She was walking side by side with other staff and dancers. I just think Hiro is sometimes a little too tense and cool on stage, if she can bring out her personality like when she's relaxed in a casual surrounding, she will be even more beautiful and attractive on stage.)

[ 本帖最後由 Civic-Type-R 於 2008-9-14 11:36 編輯 ]
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發表於 2008-9-14 20:11:17 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 Civic-Type-R 於 2008-9-14 11:33 發表

Yeah, I agree. She is a very nice and very smart girl. I went to her blog and read her posts about her stay in Macau. She did enjoy coming to Macau and loved the relics she got to see in Macau durin ...

So they are still in Macau for those 3-4 days after the show? Did you meet Maria after the long waiting? I really wish I could have a photo with her...
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發表於 2008-9-14 20:19:33 | 顯示全部樓層

回覆 #1 tux1 的帖子

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發表於 2008-9-14 20:27:59 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 broncoschamp 於 2008-9-14 20:11 發表

So they are still in Macau for those 3-4 days after the show? Did you meet Maria after the long waiting? I really wish I could have a photo with her...

I wish too if I could take a photo, However they seemed to be rushing by walking very fast, I guess they are very tired already so I didn't want to bother them except just walk with them a bit and waved goodbye. I already did my best by giving the 2 little gifts to Maria and Hiro and I think that was well enough to make me happy. Unlike the german guy who I talked to, he simply chased all the way from the theatre til he finished talking to Maria and giving her the business card and then they all went off to another elevator down below ground floor. Yeah, I got to see everyone of them

[ 本帖最後由 Civic-Type-R 於 2008-9-14 20:36 編輯 ]
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macausexsex 該用戶已被刪除
發表於 2008-9-14 20:56:39 | 顯示全部樓層
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發表於 2008-9-14 21:06:05 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 macausexsex 於 2008-9-14 20:56 發表

Get the loan already?How is your ship in Macau now?Does she knows your situation?Wish you success

I will not answer something like that publically ok, stop been so stupid and this post is dedicated to the show and not for asking me private questions you got that???
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發表於 2008-9-14 21:32:02 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 macausexsex 於 2008-9-14 20:56 發表

Get the loan already?How is your ship in Macau now?Does she knows your situation?Wish you success

Can you stop asking stupid questions like that, especially in the public
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發表於 2008-9-14 21:48:35 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 Civic-Type-R 於 2008-9-14 20:27 發表

I wish too if I could take a photo, However they seemed to be rushing by walking very fast, I guess they are very tired already so I didn't want to bother them except just walk with them a bit and w ...

I guess we both are not as bold as the german but I really admire your gesture of not insisted chasing Maria while they were in a hurry. I think I finished just behind Tux in terms of the no. of show watched. All the ladies recogized me and there were so many stories behind that I don't think it's appropriate to share publicly. All I can say is "IT'S THE GREATEST SHOW ON EARTH".
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 樓主| 發表於 2008-9-15 00:29:53 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 Civic-Type-R 於 2008-9-14 08:27 PM 發表

I wish too if I could take a photo, However they seemed to be rushing by walking very fast, I guess they are very tired already so I didn't want to bother them except just walk with them a bit and w ...

To me, that is very rude for that guy because he should not have done so. One thing this shows the girls are really very nice and always try to not offend customers. On the other hand this shows how bad some of us are in terms of not respecting the girls.

To me I think it is ok to buy little gifts to the girls to show appreciation. But staying behind and try to chase the girls after the last show of the day when they are all so tired and longing for rest is just WRONG. If you like the girls, you will want them to be happy (so buying little gifts for them and giving them via Rockza is real good gesture). Chasing them all the way is what I don't do.

I am sorry if I offend any C-hing by saying this, but I have to speak out.
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發表於 2008-9-15 00:30:40 | 顯示全部樓層
thanks for report
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 樓主| 發表於 2008-9-15 00:33:20 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 macausexsex 於 2008-9-14 08:56 PM 發表

Get the loan already?How is your ship in Macau now?Does she knows your situation?Wish you success

What on this earth are you talking about? I have met the Bro. He is a decent guy. I don't feel he is as ridiculous as what you were saying above. And if this is private, talk to him in private and stop posting this kind of garbage in public.

Please give this show and ME (who really like this show) a bit of respect. I don't want to read rubbish reply.
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 樓主| 發表於 2008-9-15 00:55:06 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 broncoschamp 於 2008-9-14 09:48 PM 發表

I guess we both are not as bold as the german but I really admire your gesture of not insisted chasing Maria while they were in a hurry. I think I finished just behind Tux in terms of the no. of sh ...

What stories? If they are not relevant to the show. Leave them.

I have nothing to hide. I did buy gifts to all the girls. Many people did. I think this is very common. This is not even worth making headlines.

I am honest in all the things I have written (i even admit I like Haruki most - more than Maria - but that is all personal feeling). And I know a lot of C-hings and brothers hide their feelings. It is all fine. This bro wrote his feelings and should be applaused.

BTW I think I am NOT the no. 1 show watcher for this show. I bet there are a few C-hings who watched more shows than I did. But I do believe I am the no. 1 rockza fan because I like rockza show (the Maria one was super, but I like the previous one a lot as well).
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發表於 2008-9-15 08:02:30 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 tux1 於 2008-9-15 00:55 發表

What stories? If they are not relevant to the show. Leave them.

I have nothing to hide. I did buy gifts to all the girls. Many people did. I think this is very common. This is not even worth making ...

Actually I'm referring to the show just ended instead of the overall Rockza shows. I'm sure there are some others definitely watched way more than you if couting the no. from the beginning of this show last year. I also bought each of them gifts like many others. So have you got a chance to talk to Haruki after the show? It's just that I still get hangover with the shows as the songs like miles away, It's the greatest show on earth, crazy world, killing me softly, and even that repeat Japanese songs can't get away from my mind. It's happy memory and just wish that some of them will come back for the show again.
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