本帖最後由 hung720 於 2015-3-9 09:09 編輯
Wife and child back to China, so being single again for 2 weeks; I definitely have to do something that can be called life.
After supper with a friend, I suggested we come here for wine and relax
We had 2 wines, one red and one white. I tried hard to remember what they tasted like
but after I found that my friend's car's tyre went flat, we had to change the tyre in the underground parking of his 225/60 R18; after a large supper and 2 glasses of wine.... can't remember much
I was all keen for the 2010 Rubican, but this friend of mine, he really likes Pinotage. And since there's a post on the forum, I decided the Rubicon and wait.
It's been years since I had my last Pinotage (I usually go for Carbinet, Merlot and Shiraz). So this can be counted as new experience.
Unfortunetly I can't rememeber what it smelt like... all I can remember is the very strong tastes that lingers in your month. I would say it's dark chocolate (try 70% Cocoa Lindt, and you get an idea); but I will also agree if you want to call it rubber... I think if you order hard meat like warthog, Nile crododile, this bottle can add some flavour to your food; otherwise I wouldn't recommend it to most people. Too strong, you see.
Love it or hate it, I don't think there's anything in between...
I like dark chocolate myself, so I like it; but to be honest, I won't stock it. Too strong for my liking.
After Pinotage, we decided to have 2nd glass. And I decided to go white, so I asked for something fruity and sweet, as I like my white sweet. My friend wasn't keen, until the waiteress poured some for tasting.
It has a prominent peachy, blossom smell with a hint of fresh grass. I ordered a glass immediately without taste it; so was my friend.
It really is sweet! But with a hint of bitterness (can't figure out what) after-taste. A light body, surprising mature, and I think the sweetness is a bit like banana? There isn't much complexity or depth, so I would imagine this to be a good desert, but not much a food wine; so I don't think it'll offer much to complement your food...
Anyway, I love it, and decided this is gonna be my favourite!
Unfortunetly this friend of mine have schedule a major operation on next saturday (he is a doctor) so no more wine for weekend. And on saturday I'll go shooting, as one of my buddy bought a new pistol
補充內容 (2015-3-10 20:59):
now it just poped into my mind, the sweet taste is bit mixture of melon and banana
okay, maybe the banana was from the banana punch I'd for breakfast....
補充內容 (2015-3-16 08:59):
for my fun of shooting: http://141hongkong.com/thread-1446885-1-1.html |