Agogo Bar 我鐘意Pattaya多D,女女冇咁看錢向,同埋悠閒D;Pattaya最正係西餐,尤其意大利菜同扒房水凖高同價錢合理,如果時間許可,Pattaya 女遊好過DG好多。
兩傻先去Beefeater 整D牛扒嘆下,牛味香濃,有咬囗又唔靱;整埋House wine都唔使講弊4舊,係旁邊間酒吧warm up 下,跟住行去Walking street Iron club, 呵呵,今年夜遊最靚2, 3同4都係度;第2女女唔認得我,又坐左枱,叫左第3坐過黎,大傻就叫左另一個戰鬥格一齊,揸吓摸吓,又咀下,2個鐘,請埋個待應飲埋,共銀七舊半;第4玩玩下都坐埋過黎,一柸野都冇飲,成晩任抽水 ,臨走重有Good Bye Kiss 同 Good Bye 揸。
I truly support CHing. Sex part to our life is just a few mins to 1 hour activity, so how to enjoy from beginning to the end is a must. Great gals, great food and wine, great scene can increase the happy level!