招聘人才,大小企業老闆都希望物色「最佳」人才,何謂「最佳」呢?具備專業技能、工作經驗豐富、語文能力佳、社交手腕圓滑……最好「Expected salary」還不要訂得太高,既要馬兒好,又要馬兒不吃草。
1/ Social Media Marketing
2/ Mobile Development
3/ Cloud and Distributed Computing
4/ Perl/ Python/ Ruby
5/ Statistical Analysis and Data Mining
6/ User Interface Design
7/ Digital and Online Marketing
8/ Recruiting
9/ Business Development/ Relationship Management
10/ Retail Payment and Information Systems
11/ Business Intelligence
12/ Data Engineering and Data Warehousing
13/ Web Programming
14/ Algorithm Design
15/ Database Management and Software
16/ Computer Graphics and Animation
17/ C/ C++
18/ Middleware and Integration Software
19/ Java Development
20/ Software QA and Uer Testing
21/ PR and Communications
22/ Software Engineering Management
23/ Information Security
24/ Strategy and Strategic Planning
25/ Storage Systems and Management