A few days ago my friend Joe who is from河北saw this ad in the 世界日报:“南美小姐, 法拉兴, 20分钟40元, 347-687-xxxx". He told me he want to try it, and I told him $40 definitely would not be a good eat. Joe said if you don't try, how do you know it is not good and he went and this is his after action report. "我打电话去接电话的是个福建口音的华人,告述我他的地址,那地方是一家民宅,里面有三间小房那keeper收了我40元,带我进了其中一间,房里有一位小姐5‘2“, 34c左右黑黑的墨西哥人,keeper 给那小姐一张扑克牌关上门走了。小姐脱了连衣裙,里面没有内衣,打手式让我脱衣服躺下,非环保吹,吹了约一分钟,又打手式让我在上面,说了些西班牙话我听不懂。完事之後递给我两张纸巾清理,冲凉?连卫生间都没看见。40元真不如在家打飞机还好。” You get what you pay for, 一分价钱一分货。How true it is! |