第一次係AKL 搵鬼妹, 上去前做定功課 結果睇ad "簡"好左BROOKE.
BROOKE is a gorgeous 22 year old slim European girl with a petite stature, She is 5ft 5in (165cm) in height, has strawberry blonde hair, and Green eyes. Her skin colour is coffee and dress size is 8, She works in the Auckland area, and some of her specialities are massage, kissing, bi, fantasy, dress up, hand relief, wears sexy lingerie, recieves oral, gives oral .
Also BROOKE speaks English, she appreciates roses or Chanel perfume as a gift, her horoscope is Gemini, her preferred drink is White Wine, and is a casual smoker and with tatoos, most of all she loves you to enjoy your time with her.
本身係諗住搵佢,但係去到見到有個睇上去靚D既kiwi, 就問可唔可以換,, 正如澤經理話"顧客永遠是對的" 之後就換左個叫 Tammy 既囡囡, 皮膚好白(白人嘛), 入到房, 過程都係果D. 但係鬼好叫得真係好大聲.. 雖然服務都係一般般但係今次係為左食鬼妹所以冇所謂啦, 但去到其實仲有D 日本妹可以選擇, CHING門下次去可以去試下個叫mimi叫日本妹. |