本帖最後由 qclik 於 2013-5-3 09:31 編輯
係印尼工作左幾年,大概都吃左30多個印尼妹,有d 係給$有d系clubbing到吊到ge, 印尼妹同華僑 about half-half到。
(sorry it's too hard for me to type in chinese, now change to English).
so recently i look at the local "Salt" website looking for edible girls and come around this pretty girl. pm the agent to add his Blackberry Messenger (Majority Indoneisan use blackberry messenger instead of wechat qq whatsapp or whatever apps). then later agent explain the charge, if walk-in 750,000 for 1Q. 900,000 for 2Q (1HKD=1250 Rupiah) booking 1,300,000 for 2Q. Different between walk in and booking is he got couple other girls if walkin the girl you like is on duty with other customer you have to wait. sometimes popular girl can have 2-3 customer waiting on site. Booking you can chose the girl you like on specific hour and can have one empty apartment for play. (The agent rent 2 apartment room for this, one is for walkin, so you'll meet other customer in there, and i tried one time the room doesn't have toilet inside so must go out in towel and got watch by other customer.) Therefore this time i chose the booking, arrive at time the girl already waiting for me at the empty apartment room. The girl looks pretty much same to the picture, but a bit more "brown" but still acceptable. Skip the "important part" cause i'm not good at making porno story.
Overall she gives very good services, BJ, ML any position, and have 2 Solid Q in 2 hour.
She didn't wanna take pic so only ads pic from agent. Enjoy
Update: for those who ask about the website, it is actually a forum like 141 so newly register member can't view its content. Its quite hard to boost up the membership lvl if you dont understand indonesian |