10大求職面試刁鑽題 絕密曝光!
Employment Interview Strategies
招聘面試(employment interview),幾乎是一次與工作「相睇」的過程。這個世界,在你選擇工作的同時,企業亦在篩選求職者。如何在短短一個招聘面試中突圍而出,恰如其分地展現個人才能之餘,又可以把身價抬高一點呢?
1/ 你的工作表現似乎相當不俗,但為甚麼始終未被晉升到更高職位?
(You seem to be performing quite well in your current/ previous job, why were you not promoted?)
2/ 你前任或現任上司、老闆對你作出過怎樣的批評呢?
(What type of criticism has your former manager/ supervisor given you?)
3/ 如果你有機會改善上一份工作的表現,你認為是哪方面的改進?
(If you could have made improvement in your last job, what would they have been?)
4/ 請形容一次你表現欠佳的工作情況。
(Please describe a work situation that you feel you have poorly performed?)
5/ 甚麼類型的人最令你煩厭?
(What kinds of people annoy you the most?)
6/ 假如要你為一個比你遜色的人效力,你覺得如何?
(How would you feel about working for someone who is not as brilliant as you?)
7/ 你如何形容前任上司、老闆?
(How do you describe your previous boss?)
8/ 你認為自己哪方面比其他求職者優勝?
(How do you differentiate yourself from hundreds of applicants?)
9/ 哪些優秀的個人特質是你所欠缺的呢?
(Are there any positive character traits that you do not possess?)
10/ 怎樣的工作環境讓你感覺最舒適?
(In what kind of work environment are you most comfortable?)