Internet Explorer (IE) is the browser where the most “non-Google” searches happen, according to data from ad network Chitika. The company analyzed “hundreds of millions of ad impressions [in the US and Canada] from within the Chitika Ad network” earlier this month.
Chitika was seeking to determine search engine usage on each browser.
Overall Chitika found that Google generated 74.7 percent of search traffic across all five browsers examined. Yahoo was second with 12.3 percent and Bing third with a 9.74 percent share across browsers. By comparison the most recent comScore data show Google with 66.8 percent, Bing with 15.7 percent and Yahoo with 13 percent of US search traffic (July, 2012).
Among the major browsers, Google had the greatest share on Chrome (90.5 percent). Opera is higher at 95.3 percent but its share of the PC market is insignificant. The browser where Google had the lowest share of search according to Chitika was IE, with 53.1 percent.
Accordingly IE is also the browser where Yahoo and Bing’s shares are the greatest: 19.1 percent and 22.5 percent respectively. Bing is the default search engine on Internet Explorer
Microsoft’s IE has the largest share of the US PC browser market at either 41 percent or 54 percent, depending on which numbers you believe. However, on a global basis, several sources have recently proclaimed Chrome the browser market leader.