本帖最後由 糖糖 於 2012-8-9 10:12 編輯
A Cheated Gold Medal!!!!
范德伯格称他在水下偷偷多用了几次“海豚式打腿”,并强调这一“小动作”在当今游泳选手中很常见。范德伯格说:“如果你不这么做,你就会落后。当然,这不是什么很光彩的事儿,但总有人会这么做并逃脱处罚,我可不想因此牺牲我的成绩和我四年的艰苦训练! ”
由于泳联未设水下视频裁判,参赛选手有时常因经不住诱惑而偷偷违规,但一旦被裁判抓住,将被取消比赛资格。根据视频回放,范德伯格一共使用了三次“海豚式打腿”,但他认为自己的冠军无可厚非。范德伯格说:“之前澳大利亚还为此抗议过,我觉得这真好笑,因为如果你看回放就会发现,我旁边泳道的(澳洲选手)里卡德干了和我一样的事儿,但他们对此闭口不提。每个人都在挑战规则,冲击规则的最底线,如果你不这么做,那是你自己不够努力! ”
After winning an Olympic gold medal in the men's 100-meter breaststroke, South African swimmer Cameron van der Burgh pointed his index finger to the sky in joy following his win in world-record time.
Now, Olympic officials could be pointing the finger at him after he admitted to cheating recently.
In breaststroke, competitors are allowed to take one dolphin kick at the start and one after each turn before starting their breaststroke kick. But with no underwater video judging, swimmers are oftentimes able to sneak in an extra kick. Van der Burgh appears to take three of them based on video replays. If judges had caught him, the illegal moves could have earned him a disqualification.
In an interview with the Sydney Morning Herald, he said that he took extra kicks, but pointed out it's typical of other swimmers as well.
"If you're not doing it, you're falling behind," van der Burgh said. "It's not obviously - shall we say - the moral thing to do, but I'm not willing to sacrifice my personal performance and four years of hard work for someone that is willing to do it and get away with it.
"I think it's pretty funny of the Australians to complain because in the underwater footage if you actually look at Brenton Rickard in the lane next to me, he's doing the exact same thing as me yet they're turning a blind eye.
"It's got to the sort of point where if you're not doing it you're falling behind or your giving yourself a disadvantage so everyone's pushing the rules and pushing the boundaries, so if you're not doing it, you're not trying hard enough."
Should van der Burgh lose his gold medal? Well, if we're going by the rules, yes.
Could van der Burgh lose his gold medal? Probably not. The time for appeal has long passed and there's no replay review in swimming.
However, let's not forget that officials have taken a serious stance on cheating in London, banning badminton players for throwing matches and almost banning a runner for not trying hard enough in a race to save energy.
How serious a case of cheating is this? Well, it's not the same as using a banned substance but if athletes are leaving London for "not trying" enough, a dolphin kick could cost someone a gold medal. |