本帖最後由 younghorse 於 2011-10-31 11:57 編輯
Failed promise - Wanted to stop my MC trips for three months but failed, especially when I think I will go business trip this week to a country where I dont think I could eat meat. Bought coupons for D1 and East SN last evening and jumped onto the ferry.
The gal's quality is dropping. Quite a few monsters in the PRC group and nobody in the model group really shined (or deserved to charge a premium). I did not want to eat PRC last night in this place because I had plan for the second round. So I followed my favourite manager's recommendation to pick a cute Thai gal who is supposed to have good service. Things turned really well once we enterred the room. Very proactive girlfriend treatment with automatic DFK.
In bath, she did everything very fast which I felt strange and slightly disappointed. However, I usually like to follow my luck and not press our sweeties too hard - all blame goes to me, please. After 1Q (which was great), she explained why she made the bath session so short. She wanted to give me a second Q and thus had to make the first Q earlier. Interesting girl....haha...I, of course, follow her "instruction" strictly.
East SN
It has been more than one year since my last visit to this place - really can't believe this. I was used to feel that it is not as good/friendly as Sanado and the gal's quality is not particularly good as well. However, it changes, for me, this time. Firstly, a friendly manager recognised me even though I did not meet her for such a long time. Some friendly chat and information exchange really made me more comfortable. Secondly, I found the gal's quality was much improved - at least 50% are eatable, in my view. Game/show is still fun but I observed that the uniform in the game session is more conservative now - in three game/show rounds, I could not see gal running around with naked upper body. This increases the difficulty to check their tits - limited to only those who plays game with you.
I picked a gal who smiled at me. In the firsrt instance, I did not know in exact why I like her. Just had some good feeling; and I doubted myself why I dont want to pick a Kaiwaii girl who played game with me. Anyway, follow my heart. In room, once she undressed, I smiled. She has a papaya-shaped tits with very pink nipples. The texture is very soft indeed. I have to admit that I really dont want to leave my hands untouched her tits. The biggest hurdle I could foresee was that these gals sometimes do not allow kissing their tits - but this did not happen and she siad that I was desperate as a baby. She was also very talkative and cheerful. The session turned out to be one of my best recent encounter.
So, I am okay to board my flight to a place where I cannot eat meat now.....
Guys, have fun in hunting!! |