當許多人紛紛開始更新到新版Firefox 5.0後,應該也發現大家常用的Google Toolbar似乎一直未有更新,但根據Google官方出面說明內容來看,由於大多Google Toolbar功能在新版Firefox中均有可替代或外掛程式,因此未來將不再針對新版Firefox作更新。
相信許多人在使用Firefox的時候,最常用到的一組外掛程式就是Google Toolbar,透過整合Mail、搜尋或翻譯等常用功能,提供使用者方便逛網的使用經驗。不過,在先前更新至Firefox 5.0之後,Google似乎一直未釋出新版的Google Toolbar版本。
而根據Google日前於官方部落格中的公告表示,由於Google Toolbar許多內容均可被Firefox內建或對應的外掛程式所取代,因此未來將不再針對此作後續發展,現行新版Firefox 5.0之後的版本可透過瀏覽器本身內建,或是透過合適的外掛程式使用原有功能。
An update on Google Toolbar for Firefox
First of all, we'd like to thank all of our loyal users of Google Toolbar for Firefox. We deeply appreciate all of the feedback over the years that helped to make the product so useful. As we all know, over the past few years, there has been a tremendous amount of innovation in the browser space. For Firefox users, many features that were once offered by Google Toolbar for Firefox are now already built right into the browser. Therefore, while Google Toolbar for Firefox works on versions up to and including Firefox 4 only, it will not be supported on Firefox 5 and future versions. Please see our Help Center for additional details. |