本帖最後由 jgyjgw 於 2017-7-17 11:55 編輯
吸取腦思想的帽子 -- [又系要等待板主老大翻譯]
Early Stage: The hat that reads your thoughts
矽谷快訊 - Startup of the week:
Who they are: Openwater
What they do: It’s working on a ski cap that would let people read your mind.
佢話,唔駛做MRI, 戴帽就睇到腦的狀況.
Why it’s cool: Telepathy has long been a favorite theme of science fiction writers, and recently some in Silicon Valley have deemed it an achievable goal — Tesla and SpaceX CEO Elon Musk, for example, is working on it with a new startup called Neuralink. But unlike Musk, who wants to implant tiny electrodes in your brain, Openwater founder Mary Lou Jepsen, formerly an executive at Facebook/Oculus and Google[x], just wants you to put on a hat. She plans to line the inside of a ski cap with sensors akin to those inside a hospital MRI machine, eventually using them to detect our thoughts.
“It’s the next step in computing,” Jepsen said onstage at South by Southwest this year, according to a video posted online.
And until her telepathy technology is perfected, Jepsen’s hat could be used to disrupt the medical field, she said in the video. The average MRI costs $2,600, personal finance website NerdWallet reported in 2014, and Jepsen hopes to condense that technology down into a personal, affordable wearable device. Patients could use a cap to improve treatment of mental or neurodegenerative disease, a bra to detect breast cancer, or a bandage to diagnose internal bleeding.
To learn more, visit opnwatr.io.
Where they stand: Openwater plans to release a limited number of prototypes next year, according to the company’s website.
http://www.mercurynews.com/2017/ ... eads-your-thoughts/
當然又系矽谷哥/面書那班後生友仔啦. 可惜喲班亞裔友中,淨系印度佬,唔見中國人.
我地班香港仔要合起黎, 一齊同埋努力, 大膽去攪D攪野喲文化.唔怕失敗,