LEGO community and Engagment 小組向全球各地認可樂高同好組織(RLUG)發文,表示LEGO集團已正式於中國法院向LEPIN製造商及其發行商提出民事訴訟控告侵權。
同時CK作為資深LEGO Fans和樂高大使身份,呼籲大家不要支持任何形式的侵權產品(LEPIN, Decool, S牌,將牌,等等...),包括自買,送贈 什至推介。
不要誤信任何謠言,信說它們是LEGO副廠,或國內特別版。這都是盜版商人的計謀罷了。要有效杜絕假冒或仿製的樂高®產品最重要是大家(尤其是LEGO fans)要向盜版說不! 如果大家不堅定守護這個大家多年來心愛的品牌,可能有朝一日不會再有那麼有創意又品質好的LEGO積木。
以下是LEGO community and Engagment 小組發文的內容足本
The LEGO Group takes civil actions against LEPIN
Dear RLUG Ambassadors,
We would like to confirm that the LEGO Group have recently filed civil actions in China against the manufacturer and distributor of LEPIN/乐拼 branded construction toys. Our cases have been accepted by Chinese courts and are now pending for trials. We expect the 1st instance decision to be handed down in approximately one years’ time. Please note that LEPIN will not be legally barred from marketing and selling its products while the case is being heard by the courts.
We deeply appreciate and share the LEGO community's concern and frustration about passing-off or imitation of LEGO® products. We are committed to do whatever necessary to protect the LEGO brand and products against undue exploitation, and to minimize the risk of consumers being misled via improper use of LEGO Group intellectual property assets.
We want to thank all of you for your loyalty and support. Please feel free to share this message.
On behalf of the LEGO Group,