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發表於 2015-9-21 21:24:16
本帖最後由 youngman2005 於 2015-9-21 21:35 編輯
回復 pacerchan #35 的帖子
Certainly personal factors play quite some part in making this kind of comparison. However, I think rohitb3 made interesting comments after this Youtube video:
*Here's a very objected point based way to rank Aircraft Carriers. I have been researching Military for the past 6 years, and ranking certain things like Carriers isnt that tough if certain fair criterias are followed. Here we go-
Carriers are ranked based on their
1. Size(which is also an indicator of the number of aircraft carried). Total score is out of 5
Size 90,000 + Tons(Massive Supercarriers) = 5/5 points
65,000-89,000 tons (Supercarriers) =4/5 points.
40,000- 64,000 tons (Large Fleet Carriers) = 3/5.
25,000 -39,000 tons (Light/Med carriers) = 2/5
Less than 25,000 tons(Escort Carriers) = 1/5.
2.Design. - Total score out of 5
. CATOBAR design - This is the most costly, complicated and advanced design. It can operate every kind of Naval aircraft including larger AWACs . = 5/5
STOBAR Design - Less capable than CATOBAR. Can accommodate most Naval combat jets. = 3/5
STOVL Design - Cheapest and least capable design. Can operate only Helicopters and Vertical landing aircrafts. Basically a Helicopter carrier with a short Ski-jump. -=1/5
^^ These 2 were rated out of 5 cause Size and Design are the 2 most important factors in a Carrier, which cannot be changed in midlife upgradations and refits.
3. Top Speed and Operating Range @ 18 knots. = Total 5 points combined.(3 for Range, 2 for Top speed)
Top speed-
28 Knots or more = 2/2
Less than 28 Knots = 1/2.
(I chose 28 knots because the slowest Carrier goes at 21 Knots, while the few fastest ones go at 32 Knots. 28 Knots is an approximate weighted average)
Operating Range(@18 knots speed)-
More than 20,000 kms(indicates nuclear propulsion) = 3/3
16,000-20,000 kms =2/3
10,000-15,000 kms =1/3
Less than 10,000 is far too low =0/3.
4. Radar and Surface to Air missiles. = Total 5 points (3 for Radar , 2 for SAMs)
Modern Warships have 2 Multifuction radars, older ones have more cause they are not multifunction.
Both AESA Radars = 3/3
One AESA Radar + One 3D non-AESA Radar = 2/3
Two or more Older Radars, None AESA (available in older ships till the 1990s) = 1/3
Surface to Air missiles
More than 32 SAMs =2/2
Upto 32 SAMs = 1/2
Taking all these Factors, an Aircraft Carrier can be rated on a total composite score of 20. No bias. Criteria remain same for Every Carrier from Every Country.
Am i missing out anything*
And then rohitb3 responded to +Alex King:
+Alex King Yes, it goes something like....
1. Gerald Ford =19/20
2. Nimitz Class =17/20
3. Charles De Gaulle =15/20
4. INS Vikrant =13/20
5.Liaoning = 13/20
6. Admiral Kuznetsov =13/20
7. Sao Paulo =12/20
8.Queen Elizabeth = 11/20
9. Vikramaditya = 11/20.
10. Cavour = 10/20
Gerald Ford, INS Vikrant and Queen Elizabeth arent active yet. So if you want only Active carriers, remove them from the list :)