成五分鐘 !
Google online services went out of Internet returning 502 error (bad gateway or server down) for about 4 minutes on Saturday morning at 4:20 am IST, for the first time in Google’s decade-long non-stop service as a search engine and e-mail provider.
All Google services were unavailable during the disruption span and the users were taken aback to see 502 error and tried to check their wifi connection, instead of blaming Google services first.
It was only when the Twitter went viral that many people realized that the search giant was facing service disruption.
SOURCE: http://www.microfinancemonitor.c ... line-for-5-minutes/
Google later issued a brief statement saying:“We have received reports of an issue affecting some Google services. The issue is now resolved. Please follow our dashboard for more information: http://www.google.com/appsstatus”.
Meanwhile, the Internet went viral over the news as it involved Google, trusted for its non-stop services since 2009.
“I wonder how many people checked their wifi connection first before realizing it was Google that was down,” a Twitter user said.
According to GoSquared, a web analytics firm, the disruption caused 40% dip in the pageviews. “Google.com was down for a few minutes between 23:52 and 23:57 BST on 16th August 2013. This had a huge effect in the number of pageviews coming into GoSquared’s real-time tracking — around a 40% drop, as this graph of our global pageviews per minute shows,” noted GoSquared. “That’s huge. As internet users, our reliance on google.com being up is huge.”
Google’s services dashboard shows the status of Google services with a pink dot in front of each one, indicating that they were offline. Clicking on each dot, revealed a generic message confirming the outage during the disruption time.
The Gmail service said:”We’re aware of a problem with Gmail affecting a significant subset of users. The affected users are able to access Gmail, but are seeing error messages and/or other unexpected behavior. We will provide an update by 8/17/13 6:07 AM detailing when we expect to resolve the problem. Please note that this resolution time is an estimate and may change. The incident lasted 1-5 minutes.”
However, it took five minutes for Google engineers to set it right and another five minutes to post an update on their dashboard that all problems had been resolved. |