發表於 2013-4-18 21:46:14
I think as a forum member.
For the benefit of all who concern about pricing, should start supporting reasonable pricing sauna and less visit to those high price sauna...... I am pretty sure some impact will come by..... Lately,mstart seeing promotion offer from many places..... Let's see, if a company are doing so well and always not enough supply for demand, as CEO or MD, or owner, would u like to give promotion and do more aggressive mkt campaign.......?
Well it's very subjective.....
Well I do hope more experience brothers can share some other reasonable pricing sauna in cp or even elsewhere........ It's breast, pussy, Kung fu..... It doesn't have to be in cp, right? Surrounding town also got plentiful... With the cab ride will also be cheaper than those high price sauna in CP.
No offense to anyone, just my little view here..... |
以前聽過李登輝這位前台灣總統所提出的分裂中國七國論時馬上氣得我七孔升煙,但現在隔了很多年以後我才明白他這位高人的遠見的確深謀遠慮!!我覺得分裂出來的台灣,香港與澳門,以及華人不少的新加坡與大馬,有那個不比大陸人來得幸福???中國國富民窮,官奸民女,污染排第一,男生付中介錢出國做牛馬,女孩寧要外國老人不愛大陸嫩阿燦.新生代被洗腦,動不動說中國乃比美國強,菲律賓與越南不服我叫二炮部隊給你吃核彈!!中國這種思想的八十年後井蛙滿街都是!!!!!中國人民真的強大了嗎???? 純中國人, 馬來西亞